Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Theory part 2

by Sam Suska

living beings are the organization of matter, and matter is the organization of electrical energy potential. electrons, protons and neutrons are electrical forces called sub-atomic particles that bond living 'beings' together at the atomic level. living matter, living 'beings' are constructed, almost entirely by electrical energy potential; in fact the Nobel Prize for physics has been awarded for the mathematical explanation that matter is at least 99.999% electrical forces.

organized electrical forces vibrate, and the organized matter of living 'beings' tends to vibrate at much higher levels than non-living matter. this is using physical science to observe the human organism, and physical science is useful for identifying electrical forces but needs help in explaining the behavior of electrical energy potential. so, we use quantum physical science to investigate function and then health of the human organism. therefore my explanation for the health and function of the human organism is built from priniciples of physical science, quantum physical science, biochemistry and eastern medical sciences like chinese medicine and ayurvedic medicine.

furthermore, my theory on the causative factors in the health and function of the human organism required investigation into the control center of the human organism; the conscious and sub-conscious aspect of the human mind. the human mind is not just a conceptual entity, it is housed within and directly affects the human organism. i personally investigated psychology and philosophy, from an eastern perspective as well as that which is inspired by the western world.

my research science was rounded together with investigation of the external factors affecting the human organism and the human mind. as a result i spent countless hours pouring over information about nutrition, exercise, relaxation, perception, farming practices, food processing, environmental science, geometry, electrical energy and sociology.

at this point i was able, to first explain how the human organism functions and secondly explain how profoundly in control of this is the human mind. i theorize that the human mind and human organism are inherently formed by a spiritual essence; this explains the behavior of electrical forces within the human organism, where the mind is also seated. it is my belief that the human mind is within the human blood, and specific aspects of this are directly related to specific organs.

the human organism and the human mind are the same entity with distinct functions; and they are both formed by the spiritual essence. it is my theory that the 'spiritual essence' of the human 'being' is the electrical forces which contruct the human mind and organism as a whole. my theory is built on the belief that 'spiritual essence' is within every cell of our body and within our consciousness and sub-consciousness. i believe that we are a 'spiritual essence' experiencing a physical opportunity to expand our consciousness.

and this is the heart of my theory; life is the chance to learn lessons and develop our consciousness OR life is a wasted opportunity and we stagnate our conscious development. i firmly believe that everything in the natural world is constantly changing, and a useful goal for life is to harness the inevitable change in life and use it for personal benefit, and indirect benefit to our group and natural environment. we harness the change in life by learning the universal lesson of self-preservation, group promotion and respect for the natural environment.

i am comfortable with knowing that for one to accept my theory they have to 1) have an open mind, 2) have the ability to grasp concepts and 3) also make similar mental connections to the one's I directly suggest. i am also aware that accepting my theory is only half the game; intellectual understanding is not transformational without moral application. and this is where it get interesting, and the practical suggestions gain value and self-accounatability becomes key for self-empowerment.

self-empowerment is the direct characteristic I

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