Friday, November 25, 2011


by Sam Suska

The only thing constant in the natural world is change. We have to accept this and I believe for a person to prosper physically, mentally and emotionally they need to take the next step and embrace change. Problem is that people tend to hesitate and procrastinate the making of changes or even completely avoid change. I have personally noticed a trend where change becomes more acceptable for a person when it is associated with pleasure or pain.

After years of research science investigating the causative and associative factors in the physical, mental and emotional health of people I have identified change as an absolute necessity for a person to improve their physical, mental and emotional health. This is because the conventionally accepted and practiced way of living in the post-modern world is incompatible with human prosperity at the physical, mental and emotional levels.

When I offer professional assistance to an individual the first factor I consider is how accepting this person is with change as a whole. I ask questions to get some info on their background, present situation and expectations in order to estimate their attitude about change; this helps form my approach to the individual. The approach is always individualized, but the overall message is the same; the most influential factor in health and wellness at every aspect of a person is lifestyle choices (and the intention forming them!).

Post-modern living gives us plenty of options for each and every lifestyle choice; the problem is that most of the options available to us for lifestyle choices do not promote the conditions of the human 'being' for prosperity in mind or body. I have found in my research of both eastern and western-based science that lifestyle choices are undoubtedly the most influential factor in the overall health and function of an individual.

When someone comes to me seeking professional assistance I already know that their lifestyle needs to change for them to reach whatever goal they use to focus; whether it is pleasure-based or pain-based. People who were once hesitant to accept change may possibly even seek change if the pain is great enough or if the potential for pleasure tickles their fancy. Lifestyle changes are the focus whether or not the catalyst is pleasure (like looking better, having more energy, being stronger) or pain (like improving chronic debilitating disease, poor digestion or emotional stability).

Lifestyle change, like healing, is a process not an event. I have never seen anyone who makes drastic changes in a short time actually keep them up and fulfill their goal because these people did not focus on fundamental improvement in their approach to free will and life as a whole. Free will is beautiful, and for most people this puts their physical energy, emotional stability and inner conflict within their control. In short, how one handles their free will and approaches life as a whole ultimately determines how they think, feel and operate on a daily basis.

An issue that I have with western science is the tendency to focus on genetics, diagnostics and treatment while overlooking the causative and associative factors that impact these things. Yes, genetics do affect the body, but why are they expressed? Yes, a diagnosis is useful to understand an individuals condition, but their particular pattern is unique and why did it begin and progress? Yes, physical, mental and emotional issues need treated, but the cure is found in the prevention not the treatment.

That is the key point that makes lifestyle choices the absolute most important factor in life and prosperity. Do you seek prosperity? Are you curious about your own physical, mental and emotional potential? I am, and this shapes my approach to free will and life as a whole. Over time I made a complete lifestyle change and this started with evaluating each option in food, drink, exercise and stress management in front of me. My personal research science is well-rounded with a heavy philosophical component which gave me the proper discretion to evaluate options; but I needed more consistency with my actual choices.

I personally developed consistency in making proper choices by applying principles from my philosophical research which addressed my underlying intention . The intention with which we approach free will and life as a whole, I believe is the limiting factor in whether one makes sustainable change, fundamental improvement I call it. As a professional I can help nearly anyone reach a short-term goal and even realize long-term goals, but physical, mental and emotional prosperity is only possible with meaningful intention and proper discretion.

The combination of intention and discretion in my approach to free will and life as a whole allowed for controversy and questioning of the details. But, all science can be scrutinized; heck it needs to be scrutinized and the lifestyle choices I suggest pass the test and maintain a consistent theme (this makes them practical!). The specific lifestyle choices are the details and the lifestyle change I professionally assist people in making is built with big-picture fundamental improvement that addresses change at a deep level. The specific appeal for change differs between people; some people respond to the spiritual component while some respond to the potential for self-empowerment and in my experience most people tend to respond to the physical aspect.

Your personal catalyst for change is of minimal importance; I am excited that you seek knowledge and consider change. Knowledge can be power and the lifestyle changes that I recommend are built from meaningful intention and come with the side effects of self-empowerment and improved physical, mental and emotional well-being. Self-empowerment is the process of developing the meaningful intention and consistently making the proper choices and this is available to you in my book and in my professional assistance.


Sam Suska

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Theory part 2

by Sam Suska

living beings are the organization of matter, and matter is the organization of electrical energy potential. electrons, protons and neutrons are electrical forces called sub-atomic particles that bond living 'beings' together at the atomic level. living matter, living 'beings' are constructed, almost entirely by electrical energy potential; in fact the Nobel Prize for physics has been awarded for the mathematical explanation that matter is at least 99.999% electrical forces.

organized electrical forces vibrate, and the organized matter of living 'beings' tends to vibrate at much higher levels than non-living matter. this is using physical science to observe the human organism, and physical science is useful for identifying electrical forces but needs help in explaining the behavior of electrical energy potential. so, we use quantum physical science to investigate function and then health of the human organism. therefore my explanation for the health and function of the human organism is built from priniciples of physical science, quantum physical science, biochemistry and eastern medical sciences like chinese medicine and ayurvedic medicine.

furthermore, my theory on the causative factors in the health and function of the human organism required investigation into the control center of the human organism; the conscious and sub-conscious aspect of the human mind. the human mind is not just a conceptual entity, it is housed within and directly affects the human organism. i personally investigated psychology and philosophy, from an eastern perspective as well as that which is inspired by the western world.

my research science was rounded together with investigation of the external factors affecting the human organism and the human mind. as a result i spent countless hours pouring over information about nutrition, exercise, relaxation, perception, farming practices, food processing, environmental science, geometry, electrical energy and sociology.

at this point i was able, to first explain how the human organism functions and secondly explain how profoundly in control of this is the human mind. i theorize that the human mind and human organism are inherently formed by a spiritual essence; this explains the behavior of electrical forces within the human organism, where the mind is also seated. it is my belief that the human mind is within the human blood, and specific aspects of this are directly related to specific organs.

the human organism and the human mind are the same entity with distinct functions; and they are both formed by the spiritual essence. it is my theory that the 'spiritual essence' of the human 'being' is the electrical forces which contruct the human mind and organism as a whole. my theory is built on the belief that 'spiritual essence' is within every cell of our body and within our consciousness and sub-consciousness. i believe that we are a 'spiritual essence' experiencing a physical opportunity to expand our consciousness.

and this is the heart of my theory; life is the chance to learn lessons and develop our consciousness OR life is a wasted opportunity and we stagnate our conscious development. i firmly believe that everything in the natural world is constantly changing, and a useful goal for life is to harness the inevitable change in life and use it for personal benefit, and indirect benefit to our group and natural environment. we harness the change in life by learning the universal lesson of self-preservation, group promotion and respect for the natural environment.

i am comfortable with knowing that for one to accept my theory they have to 1) have an open mind, 2) have the ability to grasp concepts and 3) also make similar mental connections to the one's I directly suggest. i am also aware that accepting my theory is only half the game; intellectual understanding is not transformational without moral application. and this is where it get interesting, and the practical suggestions gain value and self-accounatability becomes key for self-empowerment.

self-empowerment is the direct characteristic I

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fulfill Our 'Human Potential'

by Sam Suska

Basic Outline for the text I am presently finishing. My book presents an expanded outlook on human intelligence and presents the reader with a practical way of improving this specific area of intelligence and fulfilling their own 'human potential'.

1. this discussion should begin at a very basic approach to consciousness; how we view our life and the natural world around us

2. these fundamental beliefs can really help us form a perspective on life and understand what our human potential is and how we can fulfill it

3. by viewing life as a physical experience for our spiritual 'being' to interact with the surrounding environment. the surrounding environment supports our 'being' and gives us the opportunity to learn valuable lessons and maximize our human potential.

4. life is the opportunity to learn from the physical experience and consciously grow or, waste this opportunity and stagnate at the conscious level.

5. humbleness is a root characteristic for us to learn from the physical experience and fulfill our 'human potential' AND faith is the underlying mechanism for us to fulfill our 'human potential'. these PROFOUND characteristics, in combination with an accurate knowledge bases and practically structured approach to life can give us a sense of 'self-empowerment' to fulfill our 'human potential'

6. appropriate, accurate and basic knowledge of our spiritual 'being' builds a foundation of beliefs that may have the greatest power over how we look, feel and operate on a regular basis. we have already addressed how we life and the surrounding environment AND concluded that life is an interaction with other people and nature that we may or may not learn from and consciously grow. now, we are addressing what exactly our spiritual 'being' is, and how this corresponds to our consciousness and physical body.

7. the spiritual 'being' is not only within our consciousness, subconsciousness and physical body, but it actually constructs our "known" entities. it is with some basic understanding of eastern sciences like chinese and ayurvedic medicine along with physical science, biochemistry and quantum mechanics that we can make the relevant observations and form practical, useful mental connections between the concepts of spirituality and physical existence.

8. in the "known" universe everything that takes space, has mass or volume is considered to be matter. and all matter is constructed by atoms, molecules and electric forces which 'hold' it all together; in fact matter is about 99.99% electric force. physical science attempts to study these electric forces and quantum physics attempts to explain this electricity but neither area of science has investigated the human organism to a worthy extent; and that is a basic fundamental flaw in the conventional western scientific view of the human being.

9. so, everything in the "known" universe is electrical force to varying extents; we can readily accept that some objects or substances hold more electrical energy potential than others. this is due to the amount, type and behavior of electrical forces which construct an object; there is three basic types including negatively charged electrical forces, positively charged electrical forces and seemingly neutral electrical forces. the relative amount of each type of electrical force an object or substance is constructed of plays a great role in determining the overall electrical energy potential; but this is not the ONLY factor.

10. the "other" factor is the behavior of these electrical forces; on an individual level (each specific ion, as they are known) and on a collective level within each object or substance. i theorize that the human organism is constructed by electrical forces with a behavior unique to each individual person; the behavior of electrical forces within the human organism is completely unpredictable in relation to other non-living objects and substances and somewhat unpredictable in comparison to other living matter.

11. the behavior of our electrical forces may be unpredictable in relation to other object, substances and living organisms BUT it CAN be totally within the control of each individual person. we have accepted that the human organism is our physical entity, is it too much for us to accept that the human organism is also our spiritual 'being'?

12. i directly theorize that the seemingly unpredictable electrical forces which construct the human organism ARE the spiritual essence of that individual. the conscious mind is held within our brain, blood and energy systems (nervous system, chinese meridian system, indian chakra system and more) ALL of which are constructed by electrical forces and function with electrical energy potential. the subconscious aspect of our mind and 'being' as a whole is held within these "known" entities AND within our major organs; everything is connected and everything is ONE and same. every part of the human organism is constructed by the spiritual essence of the particular person and furthermore each cell, tissue and organ are connected to each other in many ways. it is with this holistic view of ourselves that we can begin taking steps to 'self-empowerment' and fulfilling our 'human potential'.

13. the behavior of electrical forces that are within (now this can be expanded upon, but I'll wait) and compose the human organism are INFLUENCED by the interactions that particular person has with his or her surrounding environment. the interactions one has with other people, living organisms and the natural environment as a whole directly impact the overall electrical energy of the human organism.

14. the degree of influence these interactions have seems to be in relation to the need we have for them, and the options made available to us in fulfilling our basic needs. air is most basic, but we don't have too many options for air quality so the human organism is only moderately influenced by the type of air one breathes on a daily basis. but the air quantity one obtains does have great influence on the electrical energy potential of the human organism; this can be addressed with deep breathing and exercise. expanding from here we can see just how influential foods and drinks are on the electrical energy potential of the human organism; even social interactions have great potential as this leads to perceptions and demands on one known as 'stress'.

15. therefore, we can take steps towards individual self-empowerment and fulfillment of our 'human potential' by practicing a lifestyle designed to 1)contribute to our electrical energy potential 2)eliminate waste products from chemical reactions and 3)harness our electrical energy potential as a whole. keep in mind, that is essential that we approach learning this knowledge with HUMBLENESS and applying the lifestyle suggestions with FAITH that we are heading in a positive direction, becoming self-empowered and fulfilling our incredible 'human potential'.