Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Holistic Approach

by Sam Suska

Everything is connected, not only within us between our mind, body and spirit but between us and our surroundings. We are connected to nature and we all know that the earth and sun support human life by providing us with energy. The sun provides electrical energy to the earth which grasps this electrical energy and harnesses it within all of it's matter. All matter is 99% electrical energy; sub-atomic particles with electrical charges 'hold' together all units of matter. This also means that the human body is 99% electrical energy, electrical energy which is also used for all of it's operations ranging from internal metabolism to external movements. Thus, our human body needs a constant supply of electrical energy; which is readily available for us in the air, sunlight, food and liquid.

We have been given the power of free will by some sort of 'higher power' which, in combination with society and government allow us to make choices in how we obtain the necessary constant supply of electrical energy. The free will and basic freedom to regulalrly make whatever choices we desire has enabled our human race to investigate ourselves, our whole 'being'. The human body clearly needs, better said that it desires electrical energy, but how does the body make the choices in fulifilling this basic need?

This may seem like a routine question, but the answer is quite intricate. Many of us naturally answer the question with "our brain makes the choice"; and this may be an accurate answer, but this is only scrathches the tip of the iceberg. The brain appears to physcially operate for the mind, which is the essential consciousness that makes us humans 'intelligent lifeforms'. The mind does not have to be entirely housed within the brain, as conventional science generally assumes. It is entirely possible that living creatures, and humans specifically are constructed by matter with an 'innate intelligence'.

After all, it was only 30 years ago that a nobel prize winning physicist explained and documented that all matter is, in fact 99% electrical energy. If matter is 99% electrical energy, why can't living matter have an 'innate intelligence' within it? Seeking the answer to this question led me back 150 years to a scientist who suggested that all living things are constructed by intelligent anatomical elements that are indestructible and bacteria in nature. He proposed that this 'innate intelligence' was so small that the living cell was formed by this and influenced by this.

Conventional science generally backs the theory that living cells are built from, evolved from bacteria. Conventional science also backs the theory that living cells are indestructible as a basic physical law is that "all matter cannot be created nor destroyed, ONLY transformed". This man, Dr. Antone Bechamp, also theorized that this 'innate intelligence' has the ability to influence the form and function of the living cell. Conventional science, when interpretted with this in mind, also backs this thought; as evidenced by a rippening banana increasing it's sugar content. The sugar is not from some external source, increased sugar content of the banana is from the internal transformation of matter.

Upon realizing that this 'innate intelligence' is so powerful that it has the ability to transform living cells can we accept that this 'innate intelligence' lives within the human body, in all of it's cells which make up the tissues and organs. The 'innate intelligence' within human 'beings' is so inherently influential that the human mind is actualy found, at least in part in each and every cell and collecting in the organs. Each individual organ within the human body houses an aspect of the human sub-consciousness which is always interacting with the aspect of human 'being' which consciously operates the human body, called the mind. The connection between mind, body and spirit is not just deep but they are really the one and same; it is only for our human understanding do we separate these intimately intertwined aspects.

Each individual organ houses an aspect of the emotion and the personality, which interact with each other governed by a 'sub-conscious' emperor that influences the consciousness; but all of this influences, better yet takes place within the body. This explains why thoughts, feelings and emotions are the confounding factors of conventional science attempting to explain disease and the factors affecting this; but we are here to learn about proper function and health of the whole 'being' consisting of mind, body and spirit.

Conventional science repeatedly points to "stress" as a factor it cannot fully explain when analyzing disease and malfunction of the human body. This vital factor becomes easier to understand and possibly even explain when we recognize that our body is built with cells that have an 'innate intelligence' within them which harbors our emotions and personality when they group together and build our organs. The 'innate intelligence' is electrical energy by nature and flows between the internal organs by multiple pathways, within the blood and within a more esoteric circuitry as described by Chinese Medicine. The mind operates at the conscious level within the brain and receives signals from the sub-conscious through the blood and by the nervous system and the circuitry known as the Chinese Meridian System.

When our emotions 'take control' of us and impact our thought process, or simply promote "over-thinking" our physical health is damaged. Affection resides in the heart, sadness resides in the lungs, fear is in the kidneys, anger within the liver and worry is held within the digestive organs. When any one of these emotions becomes prominent or 'takes over' our thinking it directly restricts the electrical energy flow between the internal organs, their connection to the concious mind which is in the brain while also direclty inhibiting the function of the noted organ. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions directly impact our internal flow of electrical enrgy.

Electrical energy operates our physical, mental and even spiritual entities; our deeply connected aspects are built from electrical energy and communicate, actually connect with electrical energy. Thoughts, feelings and emotions clearly affect the body to a noteworthy degree therefore it is not too much of a stretch to accept that one's thoughts, feelings and emotions absolutely determine the physical health, feeling and function of the human body as a whole. The ability of the human body to function properly and reach persistent health is entirely dependent on the thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Thoughts, feelings and emotions not only dictate the electrical energy flow within the human body; these factors consciously make the choices in fulfilling the electrical energy desire of the human 'being'. The electrical energy need of the human 'being' can be fulfilled by a combination of breathing, eating, drinking and moving into sunlight. The most basic human need is electrical energy which is obtained with and/or within oxygen, water, food and sunlight; but to varying degrees based on the sources and manners of fulfillment.

For example, highly processed foods ALWAYS have less electrical energy potential than unprocessed foods grown directly from the earth. Similarly, a short and shallow breath will ALWAYS provide less oxygen to the body, for vital use in building the blood, than a long and deep breath. The choices do not end there, but they also include the actual process of thinking we consciously employ to evaluate the emotions and feelings we interpret from our 'innate intelligence' within our whole body. This is choosing HOW to think, not necessarily choosing what to immediately think; though 'rational thinking' will, in time, form what you regularly think of.

These choices also extend to bodily posture and movement; how we hold our body and how we move it or IF we move it are also direct choices or the sum of indirect choices. How we choose to consume the already chosen food and drink can also greatly impact the human body; after all chewing is the most important method of breaking down matter we call food. Heck, we choose when to sleep and the sum of our choices determines HOW we sleep; yes our choices are that influential. Our health is the sum of our choices.

This presents the all-important question; what is at the root of and what forms our choices? The underlying philosophy behind our choices and the process that helps us make them is the most basic causative factor in HEALTH. Our approach to life as a whole determines our thoughts, feelings and emotions which determines the internal flow of electrical energy and fulfillment of electrical energy in the first place.

Thus, a well-intended holistic approach focused on adequately fulfilling the basic human need of electrical energy for proper function of the whole 'being' is the most powerful and direct way to create HEALTH. This approach to life is built with deeply meaningful intentions that have the profound potential to alter one's emotions and feelings while employing a conscious thought process that is rational by nature seeking to promote the best interest of the individual, the group of people around him or her and the surrounding natural environment which enables our existence. The holistic approach can alter and "improve" your intentions which comes with the useful side-effects of lasting energy, bodily health, stable emotions, peace of mind and deeply meaningful happiness!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Personal Story

by Sam Suska

My personal story is not about weight loss, looking better, becoming insightful or increasing marketability. My personal story is noteworthy and somewhat remarkable because of the wisdom I have gathered from the process which facilitated these distinct changes in my appearance and mindset. My story is only mildly interesting, but it can be incredibly meaningful to other people who desire to change and improve their life, their health, their emotional stability and reach sustained happiness.

Many years ago I personally started changing my lifestyle so I could help my mother and become a boxing champion. My intentions were split between giving meaningful help to someone I love and pleasing my own 'ego' in a new way; after all I just wanted to use a better lifestyle as a means to help my mom with her heart disease AND help me stabilize my weight so I could prove I was the toughest man in the world.

At the time I was practicing a lifestyle of excessive consumption and mindless choices built from a general sense of self-centeredness. All I knew was that my mother and I should eat less and exercise more in order to lose weight; sounds like most Americans. So, we immediately set forth and had some success with reaching these simple goals, but I knew there was more to it than just simple dedication and commitment. I was sure those characteristics were important , but I knew from talking to others and reading bodybuilding magazines there was more to weight-loss than just "calories in-calories out" calculations.

So, I began my first lifestyle change; I ate less carbs and started doing more cardio type of exercise. I passed this on to my mother, who was ready and able to eat less carbs but unable to exercise due to her poor condition. I replaced carbs with meat, lots of meat including Spam, breakfast sausages and the staple of chicken breast. I lost maybe 30 pounds and my mother experienced some notable weight loss as well, but we were not much healthier in any real way; we just weighed less.

My research progressed from reading the "Atkins diet" books to 'cutting-edge' bodybuilder diets. So, I altered my approach and focused on the nutrients found within certain foods; meaning that I ate a lot of protein, some carbs and largely avoided fat. My mother and I continued to lose weight, but more importantly I got more motivated to research health and lifestyle. I returned to college in order to complete my bachelor's degree, this time in what I found to be the most influential factor in health; nutrition.

My informal research progressed beyond the narrow-minded diets and into conventional "healthy" diets and my personal lifestyle reflected this. At the same time my commitment to boxing began to improve as I was finding out it was harder than I thought to prove I was the toughest man in the world. So, in addition to my daily serving of intense exercise I built a diet of so-called "healthy" foods like low-fat chicken salads, whole grain breads, natural granola, low-fat ground beef, lactose-free skim milk and low-fat cheeses, fruits and fruit juices and even protein bars and sugar-free energy drinks. If only I knew what I know now, SORRY mom.

My mother's weight loss stagnated, I was getting sick regularly and got to the point where I really had to manipulate my diet for narrow-minded results like quick weight loss. My informal research lead me to Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Dean Ornish and other integrated physicians who went a step beyond what I was learning in conventional nutrition study. It was becoming clear that the nutrition information in my formal studies was inadequate, and I needed to get out of the conventional nutrition mindset in order to further help my mother, myself and have a career in giving others real help. So, I changed majors from nutrition to exercise science, which was also the study of a 'lifestyle science' and kept me in the field of helping other people.

Formal study of exercise helped me assemble a more balanced and overall helpful exercise program for myself and start my mother on a similar exercise plan. My body began to regulate as I personally stepped back a little from over-training, but more importantly I began eating more whole foods and less processed foods. In addition to reading about health and nutrition I even listened to health professionals on the radio; my approach to life was shifting.

I adjusted the way I personally approached food and exercise, and passed this on to my mother and even began helping other people do the same. I became committed to thoroughly researching the 'lifestyle sciences' and use my knowledge to help other people; after helping myself first. After reading the works of Gary Taubes and Michael Pollan I began to seriously question conventionally-inspired health knowledge and seek more well-rounded information. Thus I discovered natural, 'holistic', alternative and Eastern approaches to health, diet, exercise and the previously overlooked aspect of stress relief.

Personal enlightenment began taking place as I began eating more vegetables and less animals with a daily focus on preventing and relieving stress. I committed to personally employing the valuable information I gained from natural health focused chiropractor Dr. James Winer, integrated physician, acupuncturist and chiropractor Dr. Noah Gallagher and noted psychiatrist Dr. Aldo Pucci. Following personal experience I guided my mother into eating even more vegetables while preventing stress and relieving herself of it.

I no longer ate the chicken salad, the low-fat processed foods, whole grain and whole breads and bread-like products, no more milk and certainly no cheese (it's 20x concentrated Milk!). I really committed to whole foods and vegetables, especially green vegetables. This was a process and it was tough at times, but the rewards are worth it; I no longer desire the processed foods, the breads, the meats, the milk; they are just outside of my value-system and outside of my healthy intentions.

I was personally taking control of not just my bodily health, but my emotions and peace of mind with the newfound focus on stress prevention and relief. I committed to the 'rational thought process' suggested by Dr. Aldo Pucci in order to prevent stress, employed some Eastern health philosophies like Qigong and Yoga to relieve stress and took my nutritional research and philosophical research to the next level; all while completing my formal education in Exercise Science.

During this time I became a self-empowered individual with the ability to meaningfully inspire others; most important to me personally was my mother who remarkably removed herself from upwards of 12 prescription drugs while dropping around 40 pounds. My informal research of the 'lifestyle sciences' brought me to the profound works of Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Wayne Dyer while my formal studies took me into Chinese Medicine graduate work.

It was the process of personal self-empowerment which enabled my non-stop consumption of 'lifestyle science' information (over 275 books and thousands of hours), continually help myself and my mother while forming a structured approach to helping other people. I have formed a unique and potentially profound 'holistic' health perspective designed to significantly help people improve bodily health and emotional management while reaching a state of meaningful happiness.

I have assembled my personal reflections from the aforementioned years of practical experience and countless hours of informal research and formal studies into useful guidebook entitled "Holistic Intelligence: The Key to Bodily Health, Emotional Management, Inner Happiness and Peace of Mind".

The ever increasing, lasting improvements of mind and body I have made are the result of fundamental changes of the philosophy in which I approach life. I have gathered that the most influential factor in health, emotions and happiness is the intentions with which we approach our lifestyle. By approaching life with meaningful intentions designed to promote a positive state of mind, natural functioning of the human body while also helping those around us and the world which supports us we become self-empowered.

Self-empowerment is a process, not an event and my book takes you through this meaningful transition to living with "deeper" meaning and selfless, well-rounded and overall beneficial intentions to you, those around you and the earth you walk on.My book and my writings are built with a 'holistic'-minded philosophy which can be applied to life with my suggested 'holistic lifestyle'; the philosophy addresses intentions and the practical lifestyle is guidance in making coherent, rational choices on a daily basis.

My hope is that everyone who reads my work or has interaction with me is inspired to make fundamental changes in their approach to life, no matter how small they may be. Applying depth and finding personal meaning in life is not always easy and many people are not ready to make these changes at present time, but if I can plant a seed then I can find my personal fulfillment.

Please read the articles here in my blog (feel free to contact me via e-mail for more information) and hopefully you will be inspired to make some changes in your underlying approach to life which will be expressed by improved choices in your lifestyle.

While adding depth and meaning to your life can be started by connecting nature to your body (, realizing a goal like fat-loss with a holistic approach ( or simply making sense of my underlying theory ( Please check out my work, feel free to let me know what you think and hopefully a seed is planted, or better yet a 'holistic lifestyle' has been initiated. Best wishes and with love, Sam Suska.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Basic Steps to Improve Your Nutrition

by Sam Suska

1. Drink more Water!
Keep water by your side all day, buy a few 1 liter water bottles and sip them throughout the day. Drink a total of at least 3 liters per day. The more intimidating this sounds to you, the more you need it. If you are over 185 pounds you need 4 liters and if you're over 200 pounds you need more like 5 liters per day. Water has been shown to increase metabolism, heck we are over 60% water by composition. So drink a lot of water!

2. Use Sea Salt!
Do not use table salt and minimize the processed foods which contain this crappy form of salt. All salt is not equal, but salt is vital to every single operation of the human body so quality salt is essential for health. Add a total of 2 teaspoons of this pure salt to your foods throughout the day and if you are larger than 185 pounds use at least 3 teaspoons.

3. Eat more Green Vegetables!
Green vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods known to man. Full of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants and protein these are "perfect" foods. I will even include avocados in this group as well, so eat lots of avocados, spinach, kale, broccoli, green beans, zucchini, spring garden mixes and many more green veggies with as many meals as possible. Heck, start building your meals around these nutrient packed foods and you will be taking a huge step towards a full 'holistic nutrition' plan which is designed to improve your health and supply lots of energy and nutrients.

4. Eat more Quality Fats!
Every cell in our body is built with fats, in fact our brain is over 60% Omega-3 fats. We have essential needs for fat in our diet, and the body prefers to us fat as fuel because it is a much cleaner form than carbohydrates. So, we can use Olive Oil and Coconut Oil to cook with, we can easily add Flaxseed Oil and Hempseed Oil to salads or veggies and finally eat a small meal of nuts or seeds like Almonds and Pumpkin seeds. Only avoid low-quality fats like butter, canola oil, vegetable oil, cheeses and cooked meats.

5. Replace the worst types of Food, but don't Stress too much!
Dairy products, sweets and deserts in general and starchy foods like breads (all of them), white rice, pasta, granola and cereals are among the worst choices we can make in our nutrition. So, rather than strictly avoiding these processed foods I recommend to replace them with the aforementioned green vegetables, fat sources like oils, nuts and seeds with Sea Salt and a superfluous amount of Water.

In time your possible desire for and dependence on these foods will subsist and you can rather easily make the most vital step to permanently improving your nutrition by improving your intentions with food.

When you begin to choose your foods with the intention of providing yourself with quality fuel and ample nutrients you are taking a monumental step in self-empowerment. We all have the ability to take control of the factors which determine how we feel, think, sleep and even our health issues and improving nutrition is essential for self-empowerment.

So, focus on improving the foods you do eat and don't stress out too much about avoiding poor food choices. Improving your nutrition is a process, not an event. I have personally been through all of the potential "setbacks" and persevered because I have adjusted the intention I use to choose and go about eating foods. So, I choose foods with the intention of giving myself the proper fuel and full of nutrients and then take my time eating these foods once I express gratitude for their availability.

I use patience, positivity and persistence; every day is not a challenge but a chance to take a small step forward by eating more green veggies, more quality fats and more water and with ample Sea Salt. When I choose a food or drink with the intention only to please my taste buds or satisfy some sort of "want" I enjoy it and move forward beginning with my next meal; I am confident this is not a trend, simply an occurrence.

I choose foods that are dense with nutrients and supply me with all the energy I need to operate at a high level. I do not consider foods from the American perspective of macro-nutrient evaluation which reduces foods down to their components; protein, carbohydrates and fats. I personally get asked about carbs a lot so good carbohydrate options are vegetables including asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, green peppers, spinach, kale lettuce, okra, onions, garlic, parsley, radishes, and squash.

After this I get asked about protein. I always consider health above all and animal foods provide more protein than is required by the human body. Our bodies are only 7 % protein. In contrast to cow’s milk, which is protein rich, human mother’s milk is only 5% protein (i.e., better suited to the body’s protein requirements). In addition, animal protein foods often contribute factors to the body, which are unneeded and then represent a challenge to dispose of (e.g., saturated fats). So, for protein I recommend almonds, avocados, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, tahini, all of the dark green and leafy vegetables like spinach and there are also vegan protein supplements made from hemp, brown rice and even peas. I do not recommend soy in any form, as I believe it is overly stressful on the body and much of it is GMO which means it has man-made chemicals within it's DNA

How about fat? I get asked this all the time and I always tell people to eat a lot of fat; in fact
the diet I personally use and recommend is fat-based. Regular servings of oils like olive, coconut, hemp, walnut, avocado, sesame seed and even fish oil by supplementation are staples of my diet. I also eat a meal or two of seeds like sunflower or pumpkin or nuts like almonds or pistachios every day. Fat is the cleanest source of fuel for the body and composes every cell in our body and is over 60% of our brain and all of our skin.

Please enjoy this rewarding approach to nutrition, built from intention. By adjusting to a lifestyle of intention for supplying fuel and nutrients with your food, you can make profound changes in a your health, happiness and peace of mind like I personally have and also helped countless others make.