by Sam Suska
We have been given the power of free will by some sort of 'higher power' which, in combination with society and government allow us to make choices in how we obtain the necessary constant supply of electrical energy. The free will and basic freedom to regulalrly make whatever choices we desire has enabled our human race to investigate ourselves, our whole 'being'. The human body clearly needs, better said that it desires electrical energy, but how does the body make the choices in fulifilling this basic need?
This may seem like a routine question, but the answer is quite intricate. Many of us naturally answer the question with "our brain makes the choice"; and this may be an accurate answer, but this is only scrathches the tip of the iceberg. The brain appears to physcially operate for the mind, which is the essential consciousness that makes us humans 'intelligent lifeforms'. The mind does not have to be entirely housed within the brain, as conventional science generally assumes. It is entirely possible that living creatures, and humans specifically are constructed by matter with an 'innate intelligence'.
After all, it was only 30 years ago that a nobel prize winning physicist explained and documented that all matter is, in fact 99% electrical energy. If matter is 99% electrical energy, why can't living matter have an 'innate intelligence' within it? Seeking the answer to this question led me back 150 years to a scientist who suggested that all living things are constructed by intelligent anatomical elements that are indestructible and bacteria in nature. He proposed that this 'innate intelligence' was so small that the living cell was formed by this and influenced by this.
Conventional science generally backs the theory that living cells are built from, evolved from bacteria. Conventional science also backs the theory that living cells are indestructible as a basic physical law is that "all matter cannot be created nor destroyed, ONLY transformed". This man, Dr. Antone Bechamp, also theorized that this 'innate intelligence' has the ability to influence the form and function of the living cell. Conventional science, when interpretted with this in mind, also backs this thought; as evidenced by a rippening banana increasing it's sugar content. The sugar is not from some external source, increased sugar content of the banana is from the internal transformation of matter.
Upon realizing that this 'innate intelligence' is so powerful that it has the ability to transform living cells can we accept that this 'innate intelligence' lives within the human body, in all of it's cells which make up the tissues and organs. The 'innate intelligence' within human 'beings' is so inherently influential that the human mind is actualy found, at least in part in each and every cell and collecting in the organs. Each individual organ within the human body houses an aspect of the human sub-consciousness which is always interacting with the aspect of human 'being' which consciously operates the human body, called the mind. The connection between mind, body and spirit is not just deep but they are really the one and same; it is only for our human understanding do we separate these intimately intertwined aspects.
Each individual organ houses an aspect of the emotion and the personality, which interact with each other governed by a 'sub-conscious' emperor that influences the consciousness; but all of this influences, better yet takes place within the body. This explains why thoughts, feelings and emotions are the confounding factors of conventional science attempting to explain disease and the factors affecting this; but we are here to learn about proper function and health of the whole 'being' consisting of mind, body and spirit.
Conventional science repeatedly points to "stress" as a factor it cannot fully explain when analyzing disease and malfunction of the human body. This vital factor becomes easier to understand and possibly even explain when we recognize that our body is built with cells that have an 'innate intelligence' within them which harbors our emotions and personality when they group together and build our organs. The 'innate intelligence' is electrical energy by nature and flows between the internal organs by multiple pathways, within the blood and within a more esoteric circuitry as described by Chinese Medicine. The mind operates at the conscious level within the brain and receives signals from the sub-conscious through the blood and by the nervous system and the circuitry known as the Chinese Meridian System.
Electrical energy operates our physical, mental and even spiritual entities; our deeply connected aspects are built from electrical energy and communicate, actually connect with electrical energy. Thoughts, feelings and emotions clearly affect the body to a noteworthy degree therefore it is not too much of a stretch to accept that one's thoughts, feelings and emotions absolutely determine the physical health, feeling and function of the human body as a whole. The ability of the human body to function properly and reach persistent health is entirely dependent on the thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Thoughts, feelings and emotions not only dictate the electrical energy flow within the human body; these factors consciously make the choices in fulfilling the electrical energy desire of the human 'being'. The electrical energy need of the human 'being' can be fulfilled by a combination of breathing, eating, drinking and moving into sunlight. The most basic human need is electrical energy which is obtained with and/or within oxygen, water, food and sunlight; but to varying degrees based on the sources and manners of fulfillment.
For example, highly processed foods ALWAYS have less electrical energy potential than unprocessed foods grown directly from the earth. Similarly, a short and shallow breath will ALWAYS provide less oxygen to the body, for vital use in building the blood, than a long and deep breath. The choices do not end there, but they also include the actual process of thinking we consciously employ to evaluate the emotions and feelings we interpret from our 'innate intelligence' within our whole body. This is choosing HOW to think, not necessarily choosing what to immediately think; though 'rational thinking' will, in time, form what you regularly think of.
These choices also extend to bodily posture and movement; how we hold our body and how we move it or IF we move it are also direct choices or the sum of indirect choices. How we choose to consume the already chosen food and drink can also greatly impact the human body; after all chewing is the most important method of breaking down matter we call food. Heck, we choose when to sleep and the sum of our choices determines HOW we sleep; yes our choices are that influential. Our health is the sum of our choices.
This presents the all-important question; what is at the root of and what forms our choices? The underlying philosophy behind our choices and the process that helps us make them is the most basic causative factor in HEALTH. Our approach to life as a whole determines our thoughts, feelings and emotions which determines the internal flow of electrical energy and fulfillment of electrical energy in the first place.
Thus, a well-intended holistic approach focused on adequately fulfilling the basic human need of electrical energy for proper function of the whole 'being' is the most powerful and direct way to create HEALTH. This approach to life is built with deeply meaningful intentions that have the profound potential to alter one's emotions and feelings while employing a conscious thought process that is rational by nature seeking to promote the best interest of the individual, the group of people around him or her and the surrounding natural environment which enables our existence. The holistic approach can alter and "improve" your intentions which comes with the useful side-effects of lasting energy, bodily health, stable emotions, peace of mind and deeply meaningful happiness!