My theory, like nearly all theories begins with the acceptance of other theories. I formed my theory upon accepting the basic scientific belief that everything has a cause. I then applied this cause-effect thesis to my investigation of human 'beings'; of which I approached my observation and evaluation from a 'holistic' point of view. My approach is built with a foundational belief that the person is more than just a human organism. I am confident that human 'beings' are composed of mind, matter and spirit which operate together and form our physical entity.
Thus, I theorize that everything occurring within the human organism and the 'being' as a whole has a cause; this includes the mental acuity, physical energy and bodily function experienced day in and day out. I further theorize that human 'beings' have the profound ability to address the causes of what happens within their 'being'; mind, body and spirit. It is within our power to fulfill our physical, mental and emotional potential if we address the underlying causes of these characteristics with a rationally determined and practically structured approach.
Unfortunately it has become commonplace for people to believe that bodily health, mental and physical energy, and even feelings, emotional stability, peace of mind and ability to sustain happiness (I call this 'contentment') are largely out of their control. This means that most people tend to give up responsibility for one, some and sadly in many cases they feel powerless over all of these valuable characteristics; meaningful characteristics which I believe are direct reflections of the degree of harmony between one's mind, body and spirit. Furthermore, many people do not accept that we have a spiritual presence; and if they do, they lack a uniform definition of the spirit. So, I will quickly summarize the spiritual essence as the sub-conscious entity of the mind.
At this point, you are beginning to accept the cause-effect nature within the whole 'being'; not just the human organism and conscious mind but also the spiritual element (after having accepted a spiritual presence that is). Of vital importance is that people accept the power they have over their bodily health and energy, mental sharpness, feelings and emotional stability. Taking the step towards self-empowerment is the process I take readers through in my book; I affectionately call this 'The Stages of Self-Empowerment'.
I believe that promoting the 'ideal states' of mind, body and spirit generates harmony between the aspects of 'being' and gives an individual power over their health, energy, general feeling and emotional stability. The mind, body and spirit when readily holding their 'ideal states' will form a powerful bond and connection which creates the harmonious existence necessary for a person to reach their ultimate potential. The human organism will, in time experience vitality, sustainable mental and physical energy when the 'ideal states' hold equilibrium for a significant time frame. It is the 'holistic equilibrium' which enables emotional stability, peace of mind, contentment and even heightened performance, production and heightened ability to feel and express love while regularly providing meaningful help to others.
This means that I believe the strength of connection and bond between one's mind, body and spirit have profound meaning the result of powerful influence. Harmony or imbalance are the direct reflection of how readily the mind, body and spirit maintain their 'ideal states'. And this management of physical, conscious and subconcious states are ultimately the product of our intentions and choices.
I believe the physical entity, conscious and subconscious operations are not only highly interactive with each other, but they are, in large part one and same. I define and describe the so-called 'ideal state' of each aspect of 'being' because it is easiest to classify and explain in this manner; but the truth is that everything within us isn't just connected, it is all one and same.
I theorize and describe the conscious mind as flowing within blood, physically operated by the brain. I observe the spiritual entity as the electrical forces physically bonding our matter and forming cells, tissues and organs; the spiritual aspect is an 'innate intelligence' I believe. Quite simply, I proclaim that the human organism is constructed by 'innate intelligence' and largely dependent on 'holistic intelligence'.
'Holistic intelligence' is the ability one has to maintain equilibrium within their mind, body and spirit and form harmony within one's whole 'being'. Equilibrium is dependent on the ability to maintain ideal states of mind, body and spirit have a multitude of 'homeostatic mechanisms' designed to promote or restore equilibrium within the whole 'being'. The efficiency of an individual's 'homeostatic mechanisms' plays a great role in the ultimate harmony or imbalance within the whole ultimately expressed by levels of sustainable energy, bodily function, emotional stability, etc. The key here is that the 'homeostatic mechanisms' are dictated by one's lifestyle choices; choices in how they perform and fulfill the 'basic functions'.
'Holistic Intelligence' plays an essential role in assisting the 'homeostatic mechanisms', but it's most prominent role is in the approach one takes to life and makes lifestyle choices. Lifestyle choices made in regards to the 'basic functions' largely determines whether or not 'homeostatic mechanisms' are ever initiated, which of these regulators (mostly taking place specifically within the body, which clearly impacts the states of mind and spirit) is applied and even how abrupt and powerful the impact is. The 'basic functions' are the actions and behaviors which enable and preserve the human organism include breathing, thinking, choosing, moving, eating, drinking, eliminating, sleeping, grooming and socializing.
It is the manners and sources we use to promote and fulfill the 'basic functions' that directly dictate use of 'homeostatic mechanisms' and significantly affect the state of mind, body and spirit (based on strength/efficiency of the 'homeostatic mechanisms'). If a person makes 'poor choices' (I categorize as 'negative stressors' when structuring the suggested lifestyle) this compromises equilibrium in many ways, directly by the efficiency of the 'homeostatic mechanisms'.
The lifestyle choices have potential to form harmony or sadly create imbalance which is expressed by patterns we identify as illness, disease, sickness, unclear thinking, emotional instability, inner conflict, insecurity, depression, anxiety and in genetically strong or younger individuals it will inhibit the ultimate fulfilling of mental, emotional and physical potential.
The choices one makes in how they perform and what they use to fulfill the 'basic functions' is actually the direct expression of intention the person approaches their entire life with. When one approaches their lifestyle with the intention to promote harmony and 'holistic connection' by making choices which promote the 'ideal states' of mind, body and spirit they are displaying self-empowerment. The self-empowered choices are classified in my structured lifestyle as 'optimal choices' with 'holistic intentions' and referred to as 'positive stressors' due to my finding that they have an overall benefit to the whole 'being' (by promoting the 'ideal states').
When a person does not intend to promote their 'holistic connection' by preserving the 'ideal state' of either mind, body or spirit they are simply making 'poor choices'. The approach to life with 'non-holistic intentions' takes power away from the individual by disturbing equilibrium and initiating the 'homeostatic mechanisms', possibly leading to and forming patterns, potentially destructive, debilitating and physically degenerating patterns which can easily get out of hand and form the undesirable expressions like bodily symptoms, chronic diseases or so-called low-grade psychological issues like anxiety or depression.
My theory is that the intention one approaches life with is the deepest underlying factor in physical health and sustainable energy, mental acuity, rationality of feelings (rational!), emotional stability and whether or not one can ultimately experience peace of mind and contentment. I further believe that if one approaches life with the intention to promote their own 'holistic connection' and promote harmony they will tend to make choices which preserve the 'ideal states' of mind, body and spirit which, in time will improve sustainable mental and physical energy, possibly help physical issues and significantly affect emotional management, peace of mind and feeling of contentment.
I have written a book entitled "Holistic Intelligence: The Key to Physical Energy, Emotional Stability and Peace of Mind" which gives the reader a thorough explanation of my theory here complete with a basic guide to begin implementing the practically structured lifestyle I call 'holistic self-care'. I like to believe that my well-formulated approach to life can help anyone regardless of their present condition improve the way they feel in both mind and body by simply applying some 'holistic intentions' to their lifestyle.
My theory is built from my overall web of theories which is/are the result(s) of years of research (here are some of the books I have devoured and determine to be helpful: , personal experimentation (I would never suggest something w/o doing it myself) and professional experience helping others institute 'holistic self-care' in various degrees and manners.
The lifestyle of 'holistic self-care' is rather practical and can even be individualized to put a peson in position for long-term success. On a day-to-day basis this includes making primarily 'optimal choices' in the manners and sources used to perform and fulfill the 'basic functions'. In my book I teach the reader how to evaluate the many options available to satisfy the 'basic functions' with a cost/benefit analysis. This cost/benefit analysis enables one to determine whether or not a choice is a 'positive stressor' or 'negative stressor' on their whole 'being'.
After my years of experience with 'holistic self-care' (both personally and professionally) I have concluded that the deepest underlying factor in whether or not one consistently makes 'optimal choices' is their intentions. This points to the importance of not only understanding my theory but accepting it and initiating the process of applying 'holistic intentions' to your life. 'Holistic intentions' and the 'holistic self-care' lifestyle built from these can and will help you improve yourself in a meaningful way regardless of present condition or reason for consideration. Please e-mail me at with any questions or comments regarding virtually anything related to my theory, my suggested lifestyle or the resulting guidebook I am presently completing.
I like your theory. I have a favorite philosopher, Swedenborg, who says that nothing unconnected exists. I think this is so, and is in agreement with your central theme: Mind, body and spirit are interwoven for your peace and health, or for unrest and ill-health. I do have friends who have done considerable nutritional/body improvements who have still struggled on the internal/peace side of the equation. And I have friends who have worked hard on the mind/spirit part of the equation but neglected the body. I like your idea of 'intentions.' What we desire/intend manifests in our lives in all areas.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder.
Theresa McQueen