First thing we have to do is define "toxin", and follow that by forming a strategy that facilitates the elimination of toxins from our body. A "toxin" is any substance that lowers the pH of our internal body fluids or oxidizes our precious body tissues. Our body is around 70% water, which flows through our tissues in the blood and coats our many of our cells in something called extra-cellular fluid. Our blood is about 90% water and the extra-cellular fluid is nearly all water, therefore the quality of our body fluid (that is the level of "toxins" within this fluid) largely determines our health.
Our body fluids ultimately determine the cellular function and chemical reactions that take place in our body in order to give us energy, think clearly, move around and perform athletically. So, the first step of "detoxing" is to clean up our body fluids! The quality of our body fluids is of ultimate importance within our body, and this is why anything that directly lowers or leads to the lowering of our body fluids is considered a "toxin".
These "toxins" are substances that lower our body fluid pH and actually lead to the oxidation of our body tissues. You have likely heard of antioxidants; they are renowned for their health-promotion because they help balance the tissue damage from the substances that lower the pH of body fluids that flow through the tissues. So, we can see that "detoxing" involves foods and drinks densely packed with antioxidants, but we also have to get those built-up toxins out of your body!
So, a "detox" plan will involve replacing the present consumption of foods and liquids that tend to lower our body fluid pH and oxidize tissues with foods and drinks that increase the pH and antioxidize the tissues........all while promoting the elimination of built-up "toxins"!
"Detoxing" is really just the initial step to a healthier lifestyle which will improve your energy, quality of sleep, clearness of thoughts, ability to manage emotions and perform physically. This first step should never involve fasting or doing anything you don't have confidence in; you NEED a positive outlook and you also NEED food. These are things which have been shown to enable life (in the case of food) and prolong life (people w/ positivity have been shown in studies to live, on average, noticeably longer than "normal" people) so these characteristics have to be a part of your "detox" program.
Your personal "detox" program will involve eating foods, drinking liquids and using nutritional supplements that you are comfortable with and confident will help you reach your goal of "detox". By committing to a "detox" you are taking the first step in improving your health and this all starts with your "root system".
It is already clear that our health is largely determined by the quality of our body fluids; the blood flows through 66,000 miles of vessels to nourish the millions of tissues and trillions of cells while also stimulating the chemical reactions we think of as metabolism. The quality of the blood is of utmost importance, with the red blood cells being a vitally important blood characteristic; as they have the ability to help tissues re-generate (clean up oxidation!!) and even become nearly any type of cell the body needs.
Our blood, or more specifically our red blood cells can be made in a few different ways, first here are the ways that are not intended by the body; made by the bone marrow, the liver or by the body breaking down less important tissues (like muscles and joints). However, the blood is intended to be made by the small intestine from the liquefied, partially digested matter that entered our body as food and drink. Our small intestine has over 7,000 feet of surface area (made possible by little finger-like projections called micro-villi) within its 20-plus feet of length designed to absorb the nutrients, water and electrical energy potential from the foods and drinks we consume. The small intestine is similar to a plant in the soil with it's roots projecting out to absorb what it needs, this is what prompted microbiologist Dr. Robert Young to name this the digestive "root system".
The "root system" begins with the stomach which itself has the ability to absorb many substances (many of which lower our blood pH!!), water and electrical energy potential. Like plants, our ability to generate chemical reactions which gives us energy and the ability to prosper is heavily dependent upon what is absorbed by the "root system"; poor quality foods and drinks will damage the root system and lead to health issues within the body or mental disorders of the mind. So, "detoxing" starts with nourishing ourselves and taking proper care of our "root system", while also facilitating the elimination of "toxins" from our whole body.
Getting back to the "root system" which isn't the only thing we have similar to plants; so is our blood. The green substance chlorophyll, which is the well known blood of plants, is nearly identical (at the molecular level) to our own hemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells that transports the oxygen we need to maintain life and promote health. Chlorophyll can nourish our root system, build healthy red blood cells, promote oxygen movement in the whole body and even facilitate the elimination of built-up "toxins" in our colon and small intestine.
The best-selling author and world renowned microbiologist Dr. Robert Young has been helping thousands of people take control of their own health by instituting programs which enable patients to build their blood with dietary regimens based on green plants and supplementation with chlorophyll.
Dr. Young runs the pH miracle facility, which has helped thousands of people beat chronic diseases like diabetes, MS, some forms of cancer and many more by simply helping them "detox. He restores his patient's "root system", builds their blood, raises their fluid pH, gives them additional hydration all while eliminating the "toxins" from the body and supplying their tissues with antioxidants. Dr. Young's program always includes nourishing the root system with green vegetables which are dense in antioxidants, nutrients, electrical energy potential and chlorophyll.
The functional ability of the mind is also heavily dependent upon on the "root system" because the great majority of the brain neurotransmitter receptors located within the "root system". The neurotransmitters play a great role in mood, outlook and overall thought process which means just one deficiency can create or maintain an issue like stress, depression and/or anxiety, which are common in modern society.
Depression, anxiety and many serious disorders are heavily dependent on the functionality of the "root system" and how we nourish or damage the "vital root system". A damaged root system is a common underlying factor, and some may say cause, of virtually every chronic disease and mental disorder known to man.
The stomach can absorb electrical energy potential and pass it directly to the spleen; an important organ which helps form and build the electrical energy needed to operate the body. The "root system" plays a foundational role on determining the level of "toxins", overall blood quality and energy, which is why our food and drink choices are so monumental in our health and vitality.
In addition to fueling the 'energy' system, the digestive root system also absorb nutrients and build those all-important red blood cells in the crypts of the small intestine. Red blood cells can be the foundational cell, like a stem-cell for the entire body, meaning they have the ability to become virtually every type of cell and tissue in the human body.When the root system is operating efficiently in a state of alkaline pH and balanced 'energy' flow the small intestine has the ability to generate healthy red blood cells, which can then build all of the body cells and tissues.
However, when the desired pH of the small intestine (a high pH) is not maintained, the "root system" will not function as intended. The immediate results can be a high amount of circulating "toxins" and poor red blood cells without proper amounts of 'energy' and oxygen; but the long-term results are more serious as patterns can develop.
The "root system" can be damaged to the point where it cannot readily make the red blood cells, and the body goes into a state where it converts it's own tissues and cells back into red blood cells to maintain the needed requirement of approximately 30 trillion red blood cells at all times. This harmful body state coincides with a high level of "toxins", it is for the most part created by the high level of toxins.
There is a homeostatic mechanism designed by the body to maintain the red blood cell count; it is quite essential and influential to the health of the entire body. So why not prevent the body from breaking itself down in order to preserve the needed red blood cell count by feeding the root system alkaline pH foods dense with chlorophyll like green vegetables? At this point the "detox" program is really evolving into an initial step to a healthier lifestyle which has more profound effects than simply lowering the level of circulating "toxins" in your body fluid; this will help you build newer, better tissues and cells free of oxidation!!
The "root system" can perform it's vital tasks of feeding the neurotransmitters (for brain function), absorbing nutrients and electrical energy while building red blood cells, will function best when the pH stays high. Therefore our overall health and ability to prosper physically and mentally absolutely require a high pH with low levels of "toxins" and a properly functioning "root system". Our mind and spirit are operated by the brain and move within the blood and 'energy' systems.
Thankfully our body has the ability to adapt to the "toxins" from low quality foods and drinks, "toxins" which have a multitude of effects:lowering the fluid pH, decreasing red blood cell quality and eventually lead to health issues. We have an alkalizing buffering system to maintain the intended pH of the blood, all body fluids including the extracellular fluid(which surrounds the cells) and the root system as a whole.
Alkalinity is the higher end of the pH scale (from 7.1 to 14), while acidity is on the lower end of the pH scale (from 0.1 to 6.9), divided by neutral pH of 7. Interestingly enough is that the pH scale is logarithmic, meaning it grows exponentially wider as it changes; for example a pH of 6 (acidic) is 10 times more acidic than a pH of 7 (neutral), while a pH of 5 is 100 times more acidic than a pH of 7, meaning that a pH of 4, which is common for soda, vinegars, processed juices, OTC and prescription drugs is 1000 times more acidic than a neutral pH of 7.
This helps explains why seemingly minor, low-calorie drinks like diet soda's, coffee drinks and vinegar's with very low pH in the 3 to 5 range can be so incredibly damaging to many people; they are "toxins"!!! Simply choosing foods and drinks with higher pH will greatly support the intended state of the blood (an alkaline pH of 7.365) and build good red blood cells. But our body has the innate ability to withstand poor choices to varying degrees depending on the genetic, constitutional strength of the individual; and by "detoxing" you can truly improve yourself on so many levels and set yourself up for a long-term healthy lifestyle.
This alkalizing pH buffering system is the ultimate reason why some people can live reasonably healthy lives (meaning free of major disease, not necessarily vital or full of energy) while routinely insulting their root system with nutrition-less foods and drinks. But if one continues to insult their root system for too long, they will develop mind and body issues if they haven't yet.
All it takes some sort of a commitment to nourishing your "root system" and facilitating elimination of built-up "toxins" and the results will be felt within your body and your mind. Digestion and elimination will, in time, regulate and even the perceived stress affecting your mind will decrease and reach levels you are better equipped to handle.
The commitment can begin with supplementation of some baking soda, which funds the processes in our body that seek to balance the "toxins". This can also be assisted by supplementation with aloe vera, which is quite soothing and nourishing to the 7,000 feet of surface area in your small intestine. The aloe vera can get the small intestine tissues and cells to start working better, improve digestion and absorb 'energy' and nutrients at a heightened rate. Using additional fiber will also help facilitate the elimination of built-up "toxins" in the colon.
While using these powerful, nourishing supplements you must also replace some of the low-quality foods you regularly eat now with more green fresh foods, green cooked foods and vegetables in general. Cooked green vegetables are much easier to digest than un-cooked veggies, so please include these regularly and especially at the evening time. You can also use herbs that have been shown to significantly help the root system, like garlic, ginger, cinnamon and cilantro. The herbs can also be taken in tea form; don't be scared to boil some water and use a ginger or cinnamon tea.
Also keep the meals smaller and more consistent; like every few hours. It is much better to supply your "root system" with 5 small, nutritious meals than 2 or 3 big meals. The first step is ready to be taken whenever you are ready for it, please do not put pressure on yourself, be patient and do things as you feel comfortable. This is a fundamental life change, not a fad diet.
Finally, you can also exercise to create and maintain a good sweat for at least a half hour. Heck, you should sit in a sauna for a half hour or so to facilitate the elimination of built-up "toxins" through the skin. There are also some more involved techniques like netti pot's, more extreme supplements, wet socks, Sea Salt drinks and many more.
Hydration is also a key here! Hydrate yourself with unprecedented amounts of water on a daily basis. I'm talking about more than 1 gallon! Ya, that may sound crazy and at first, and you will be peeing way too much, but within a few days your body will regulate and you will begin reaching levels of health and "detox" you desire. Don't forget to use Sea Salt on your green vegetables to help balance your body that's now starting to receive more water than ever before.
You will be instituting a new way of approaching life which will be shown and expressed by how you eat and what you eat and how you handle stress. There is no perfect, one-size-fits-all approach, each and every one of us will use an individualized program to optimize our health and find ultimate happiness!
Whenever you are ready to take a small initial step please let me know and I will show you the proper care and attention with my guidance. Have a great life path and thanks for reading my somewhat organized thoughts.
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