Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Commitment to Holistic Exercise

Resistance and Weigh-In Day

Today is the day! Day 34 of my bodyfat loss competition is the final day and I lost 2% bodyfat according to the calipers and 9 lbs. overall. I am quite pleased with the results as I did nothing extreme, I simply followed the lifestyle I am researching for the book I am in the process of putting together entitled "True Health: Guide to Holistic Self-Care".

Exercise is a focal point of the holistic self-care lifestyle I recommend and personally use, it is of equal importance to nutrition, stress-relief and outlook/approach. I break the whole lifestyle down into these separate aspects as a way to separate the basic functions of life (breathing, thinking, choosing, moving, eating, drinking, eliminating, sleeping, grooming, socializing) so we can perform and fulfill these with the best quality sources.

The nutrition consists of daily, generous servings of green vegetables and more specifically green leafy vegetables on a daily basis. I complemented this with a significant amount of organic, cold-pressed oils like hempseed, flax, olive, coconut, sunflower and a few more. I also regularly included easy-to-digest protein sources like hempseed powder, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, quinoa, avocados, spinach along with fatty fish like salmon and mackerel as my only sources of animal protein.

Equally important to nutrition is stress-relief which is proactively address with meditation, Qigong, some Yoga movements and deep breathing. Rounding out my lifestyle was sleeping, which has been my weakest area for much of my life and during these past 34 days. I have continued to improve my personal commitment to relaxing more prior to bed and most importantly I recognize that I need to "shut off" my mind off in order to relax and restore myself with sleep.

My holistic approach to exercise is about balancing the 2 basic types of exercise (relaxing/vigorous) and also finding the appropriate balance within the vigorous realm of exercise which includes flexibility, cardio and resistance training. I have steadily improved my balance throughout this year and am in the process of reaching what I call the 'optimal balance' within my exercise practice.

Finally, my outlook/approach to lifestyle consists of regularly using a rational thought process with a positive outlook. Committing to this enables me to present myself the best options when evaluating how to perform and fulfill the aforementioned basic functions. Once these options are presented I am in the best position to make a the 'optimal choice' which forms health, vitality and ultra-wellbeing within the mind, body and spirit.

Well, that was just a brief outline of the 'holistic self-care' lifestyle now here are some pictures which show me at what I believe is a good, healthy weight which is a big step for me to move forward and continue improving my overall health.



Here is a journal of all of my workouts for 2011 along with some older more boxing oriented entries. I focus on functional exercises which are complemented with power building exercises and always supported with appropriate amounts of cardio and flexibility training.

I focus on functional exercises which are complemented with power building exercises and always supported with appropriate amounts of cardio and flexibility training. I have written plenty of blogs here in the past detailing my focus for exercise. Please do check them out, and as usual please feel free to e-mail me with questions, comments or feedback at

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