Sunday, October 14, 2012

Strength and Power Regimen

By Sam Suska

Here is the basic outline to my initial training for becoming a Succesful professional boxer.  My basic program is 3 workouts done in this order with days off as needed.  I will always take a day off in between completing this and then again before repeating it, so I can only go through my regimen twice in a 10- day period.

Lower Body-
    Start with either front squat or back squat/plyo jump squat superset
    Perform deadlifts every other lower body workout.  Alternate deficit and standard.
    Lunge of some sort along with partial rep-full rep leg presses every workout.
    Adductor, hamstring, calf and glute isolation every 3 workouts.
    Explosive 10 yd sprints and box jumps for power each workout.

Pushing musculature-
     Bench press/clapping push ups superset
     Push press, weighted vertical dips, explosive military, decline Dumbell benchpress every workout.
     Horizontal weighted dips, incline Dumbell bench press, side raises regularly.
     Medicine ball high toss, slam downward and into the wall regularly.
     Weighted push ups, explosive smith machine bench presses regularly.
     Explosive kettle bell swings and dumbbell snatches for power each workout.

Pulling musculature-
     Bent-over barbell rows/explosive pull ups superset
     Seated rows, pull downs, standing dumbbell curls and weighted pull ups every workout.
     Hyperextensions, cobras, upright rows, preacher/incline/concentration curls regularly.

     Explosive barbell hang cleans and explosive barbell shrugs for power every workout.

I reserve the right to train by instinct, thus replacing or completely adding a new related exercises.
I will also continue to challenge myself for a 3:00 minute time period during or at the end of a workout.  Examples of this would be maximal burpees, treadmill run and handbike "run".



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