Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why We NEED a 3rd Political Party

by Sam Suska

Our society operates on a system of credit provided by banks. Actually this is better stated as: our society runs on a system of credit which is operated by a system of banks who are also the most significant influence on our government.
When the system of credit breaks down we all suffer, even those of us not in debt (there are a few of us not in debt). The majority of people are unaware of how the system of credit works and just how far-reaching the effects of this system are; the system of credit in the US largely determines the value of the dollar in your pocket, the return on your investments, the overall quality of life in the present, economic outlook and most notably the decisions made by politicians "running" the government.

Let's start by discussing the operation of these banks and from here this will begin to make sense to you and how this ties into politics. First, let us consider that banks run on money (how obvious) and nearly all money (about 95%) in existence is created as the principal and interest of loans given by these banks. The promise to repay a loan from regular people like us or domestic businesses (US businesses!) actually creates the great majority of money in the United States and really signifies the growth and function of our economy, but this system is not sustainable.

The principal + the interest = repayment (which goes on to promote this system), or agree to repay and new money is created!!! It is actually the agreement to repay that creates this money, not the actual repayment itself that creates this new money.
This means the existence of money and so-called economic growth are largely dependent on the ability of banks to issue credit to regular people and domestic businesses who simply agree to the repayment.

So, what this really means is that the principal + interest of loans always exceeds the total assets of the regular people or domestic businesses!! As a result our debt is always considerably greater than our total assets and overall actual money in the US. Money is like a figment of our imaginations. This system of illusionary money is not sustainable because debt is always exceeding money, by far in fact, and this is by design from the powers-that-be who run the powerful big central banks.

A conservative overall estimate of credit card debt for US citizens is about $2.5 trillion, and when this is added to the school loans, car loans and mortgages that nearly everyone seems to have or desires for, the numbers become intimidating; the typical individual debt of a US citizen is estimated to be over $150,000. Yes, the 300+ million Americans have, on average a 6-figure debt, which has become commonly accepted over the last 50 years and even expected by many as a means to reach the "good life" with school, car and house loans.

The "American Dream" may be more accurately depicted as "living above one's means" and this appears to fuel the economy and push the debt of not only regular people, but businesses and the government through the ceiling. The system of credit built with loans and resulting debt have facilitated unforeseen growth of the economy,but the "American Dream" is not only un-sustainable, but the regular people are now being exploited by the powers-that-be which use structure of small banks, big banks and government enforcement to maintain this destructive system.

Understanding the established power structure begins with understanding that the creation of money from loans to regular people and domestic businesses enables the entire process to take place. The loan itself is really just an exchange of promises (usually involving a 3rd party in some capacity as well). Banks have the power to create money out of thin air, and expand the economy by loaning to regular people like us.

The bank never actually buys a house or car from the official 3rd party when they issue many of their sizable loans; they come to the transaction empty-handed and have their own "inter-bank" agreements with the other banks and insurance agencies. So the buyer puts a house or car as collateral but they or the bank never actually own the house or car. It is all part of an intricate system of smaller banks, bigger banks, insurance companies and government encouragement/"enforcement" and of course lots of fictional money. The flaws of this system led to the "housing bust" and the requesting from Wall Street to be "bailed out" a few years back.

A large central bank backs these smaller banks that work with the regular people and domestic businesses to enable, maintain and of course enlarge our debt, the fictional money "supply" and the system of credit as a whole. The Federal Reserve System, which by the way is the private bank which makes money for the US (and charges the govt. interest for it) and loans it to the people and government for another small fee, is one of the main central banks for Americans. There is also the Bank of England, which is probably the most powerful central bank in the world, as it is has been operated by and funded by the infamous Rothschild banking family for around 200 years.

The great majority of money in the free market of the US (at least 95% of it) has been created by this system of creating money with loans to regular people and domestic businesses by the smaller banks who have to be 'backed' by the powerful central banks. This also means that nearly all of this created money is not 'backed' by gold, silver or any sort of commodity which represents a value to people.

The aforementioned "inter-bank" agreements are an intricate system which operates at the smaller bank level and rarely involves the actual passing of money between them; it is all about accounting, taxing, agreements to pay and of course, the necessary backing of the central banks. The central banks have this great power and influence over this entire system, and they will exercise this at time they deem necessary (like forcing the US government to "bail-out" Wall Street), which will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the world market and overall society in multiple ways.

For example, in recent years the Federal Reserve System (the private bank which loans money to us) has simply manufactured more and more money (think: inflation) to cover the un-sustainable system of debt; this is actually exploiting regular citizens like us. Money no longer represents value, money now represents debt and the US citizens have lots of debt, more debt than we even know. Debt by us regular people to banks, the powerful central banks which use this debt system to exercise power over society and the politicians that appear to "run" the government.

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes it's laws," quote the famous banker Mayer Anselm Rothschild, one of the most powerful humans beings in history. The central banks are operated by people like Mr. Rothschild, whose family at present time is estimated to be worth over $70 trillion dollars, but their wealth is virtually unknown/undetermined because this is the family which operates the Bank of England and sits on the boards of the Federal Reserve System and many of the most powerful global corporations (like defense contractors and food/seed processing companies).

The American government is in the control of the powers-that-be seeking to preserve the system of credit which results in regular citizens like us being exploited in multiple fashions. First, we are willingly flourishing the system where we end up in extreme debt but we also unknowingly preserve this system by electing the same type of people to government power over and over, and these people serve the powers-that-be!

There is a reason the American government is well over $50 trillion in actual debt, but this is just the beginning of the story; some bankers can estimate this to be about $600 trillion when they factor in the inflation of US money from the over-manufacturing of it by the private bank known as the Federal Reserve System.

The system of credit has used our government, exploited the regular citizens all while hiding the reality that this is not sustainable without manipulating the intricate systems between the smaller banks, making dangerous government decisions and even bringing in other outside economies as well, like China. After all, China is whom the government owes the majority of these trillions and trillions of US dollars to; and China is beginning to see that the un-sustainable system of credit is getting closer to it's inevitable collapse.

The willingness of banks to create so much money (and obvious debt) has enabled and encouraged us regular people to recklessly consume; and other countries outside of this economic system got in on this action, most notably China. So, now China is deeply tied into this system of credit as their economy is in large part based on selling products to regular US citizens and US companies while also loaning the government even more money. China has been exchanging promises with our government to preserve and attempt to even swell our economy/debt/consumption, but this is may have brought about the "beginning of the end".

The central banks, China and the top-level bankers at the smaller banks are aware of this and they are motivated to pull strings and make moves on a daily basis just to keep this system of credit from collapsing. They clearly do not want this system to collapse, as their positions of power will be altered, though not finished as they will still be in a much better position than regular citizens. These top-level bankers are working right now all over the country at places like PNC Bank, Wall Street, credit card companies, government lobbyists and at the various Federal Reserve System banks to sustain this system by preventing the inevitable collapse.

The side-effect is that we regular citizens are feeling the coming collapse by the decreasing value of our money. The purchasing power of the US dollar has decreased remarkably over just the past 3 or 4 years. Food prices, utility prices and housing prices in comparison to income and wealth have significantly decreased our standard of living. The general cost of living is up, way up, while wages have remained the same and the amount of people without any income or on government assistance are at incredible highs.

Us regular people can weather the storm and control our individual debt while hoping this system avoids collapse during our lifetime; we can prepare for the worst case scenario (complete collapse) or we can take a moderate approach. I personally recommend the moderate approach where we regular people avoid creating more debt, while not worrying too much about resolving our past debt (this system is past resolution). But that is just the start, what we really need to do at the personal level is considerably reduce our fuel use, utility bills, unnecessary consumption (this is purchasing products and possessions we don't need) all while growing more of our own food, taking better care of our health (Americans spend $250+ billion on prescription drugs per year) and inspiring others to do the same.

We also need to pass on word of how the credit system runs our society at multiple levels; as more people begin to understand that money is debt and this system of debt is un-sustainable then they may begin to take a more careful, mindful approach to life. I personally hope this will inspire people to get out of a possession-oriented lifestyle (where a loaned car and house speak for one's value) and start incorporating a more holistic-minded philosophy and approach to life as a whole which makes personal health and helping others as priorities.

Promoting our own personal health will be a good way to combat the stress of over-inflation and de-valuing of our money; in fact it can help decrease the individual debt (healthcare is truthfully our biggest domestic economy). In addition to this we can alter the present structure by electing politicians who will get the government out of it's role of serving the central banks by making dangerous decisions (like multiple wars) and encouraging regular citizens to increase debt while enforcing/creating the rules/laws that promote the system of credit as a whole.

At present moment the congress, senate and president are really in on this together, regardless of party affiliation because they are serving the powers-that-be who seek to preserve and promote the present system of credit. Keep in mind that we do not want to collapse this system but make fundamental shifts in government and society to alter the system of credit and remove us regular people from the position where we are being so incredibly exploited by the system. We regular people send our loved ones to fight in these economy-stimulating (system of credit preserving) wars while paying considerable taxes on land that we "own" all while losing purchasing power in the money we need to function in society.

A third political party is the necessary step, as both of the present parties are influenced, some may even say controlled by the central banks to maintain the present system of credit by pulling strings in many ways at a few levels to prevent a collapse. When one party takes power they move to further the agenda of the powers-that-be in banking and the global or national corporations which altogether preserves their and our system of credit. But in a few years the public catches on to this and steps up to elect new so-called "leaders" and "decision makers" who just go on to commit the same type of exploiting and overall harmful actions to the regular people.

I personally supported Barack Obama during his rise into prominence and ultimately into "power"; I bought into his push for "change". I believe Barack Obama was, during his rise, genuinely interested in changing the government and helping the people recover from the atrocities previous presidents (most notably Bush Jr, but Clinton and Bush Sr. as well) allowed to happen and in many cases even facilitated . But at some point, and many speculate this was during mid-2008 when he supposedly met with the Bilderberg Group (the powerful top-level bankers and global businessmen), he became influenced by the powers-that-be seeking to preserve the system of credit.

So, Barack Obama "bailed out" the smaller banks (yes, Wall Street is the smaller banks), maintained the two wars we already had going, started a new conflict and even enabled and promoted the over-manufacturing of money by the private Federal Reserve System. This made it clear to me, a man who sincerely cares about civil-rights and the core conservative values that left and right, liberal and conservative, Republican and Democrat are all the same! They are all the same because they maintain the present system of credit which exploits us regular people while serving the powers-that-be who profit and benefit from this.

The civil rights of liberals and the core values of conservatives both greatly appeal to me, but there is a fundamental flaw to this 2-party system. This 2-party system is designed to split the regular people which creates a structure that ultimately serves the system of credit in exploiting the regular people with deception; meaning there is really one option with two names serving the same interest. Issues like abortion, global warming, gay marriage and welfare/social programs are divisive to the public and take our minds and focus off of the deeper issue which is the perverse, infectious power of the system of credit and the far-reaching effects from this; multiple wars, deep debt to communist China, de-value of US dollar, etc.

As I have previously mentioned, both parties have appealing core values, important principles, but they are designed to drive a wedge in the public and support the present political structure that is working for the powers-that-be. We regular people need to focus on the most important issue at hand, which is the system of credit and the powers-that-be seeking to maintain and promote it by harmful means like multiple wars, harmful banking practices (Wall St) and commodity manipulation of most notably oil but gold, silver and copper as well.

We the people must take a stand by empowering a 3rd party to ultimately address this corruption and get out of our current position of being exploited and victimized by the powers-that-be operating the system of credit.

For many of us, especially those with years of loyalty to a party (like to Liberals for civil rights) and/or focus on certain issues (like abortion and religion), it will be tough to make this fundamental shift in political support but this is absolutely necessary to alter the system and empower us regular people. We have to start making some small sacrifices on the personal level now in order to improve our position in the coming years and give our children and young family members a functional American society in which they can prosper.

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