by Sam Suska
Holistic nutrition is plant-based, built with the foods that promote internal alkaline pH and balanced, adequate 'energy' flow through our bodies. Unlike the majority of other nutrition plans, holistic nutrition does not focus on reducing foods down to the nutrients forming them. Those of us following the holistic nutrition plan will not be counting calories, worrying about 'completing' proteins or purchasing foods because they are called "low-carb" or "low-fat". The 'holistic nutrition' blogs I have previously written are listed below and can provide some more insight into holistic nutrition:
When following the holistic nutrition plan, we are actually living the whole lifestyle of 'holistic self-care'; this is not a "diet". I do not like to use this term because of the poor associations with fad diets and the tendency to view this as a short-term project. Holistic nutrition is one aspect of the holistic self-care lifestyle, complemented by plans of holistic exercise, holistic reflection and basic holistic living. These 4 plans are simply organized ways of providing your whole 'being' (consisting of mind, body and spirit) with balanced, loving care and attention.
Holistic self-care is a lifestyle that can be implemented rather practically into virtually anyone's life, with an educated process described in my forthcoming book, "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care". Implementing holistic nutrition is a process and the time frame of this process is heavily determined by your present nutrition plan, past misconceptions of nutrition and of course the level of your commitment to providing your whole 'being' with balanced, loving care and attention.
The first step of holistic nutrition can be taken by nearly everyone, regardless of level of commitment by increasing the quantity of water consumed on a daily basis; most of us need at least a gallon, with 3 liters being sufficient for smaller people. The next step is also quite easy to perform; simply replace the salt you presently use with Sea Salt, which is pure salt and necessary for the body to function optimally. Use Sea Salt on all of your meals, aiming for at least a 1/2 tablespoon each day.
Once you have made these simple improvements a part of your life (probably at least a few weeks or so), you are ready to eat more consistent meals that will likely be smaller, but don't have to be. At least 4 meals per day and up to 6 or 7 for the most active people will provide the body with a steady supply of nourishment. An important point to this improvement step is to also remove the 'worst of the worst' foods and drinks you regularly consume. This means cutting out soda's, deserts, potato chips, lunch meats and the like.
Once you have gotten accustomed with eating consistent meals a little 'cleaner' than before, you can make the major step of significantly improving the quality of your foods and drinks.
You can now replace these 'poor' foods and drinks:
Most packaged foods, Most canned foods, Heavily cooked foods, All dairy products, Coffee
Non-organic land animals, All wheat products, Breads with yeast or wheat, Soda, shrimp and other bottom feeders, Processed fruit and vegetable juices, Cereal, Corn or any product with Corn, Artificial Sweeteners,Mushrooms, All fermented foods including Vinegar, All refined Sugar, Peanuts, Cashews, Roasted nuts and seeds, All non-organic Oils, Roasted Oils, Lunch Meat, Enzyme supplements, All carbonated drinks, Sparkling water, Red wine, Peanut Butter, Anything heated in a microwave, All but a few types of pasta, Caffeinated teas, Soy sauce and most Soy products, once again All Dairy products including yogurt and cheese!
With the following foods separated by food types:
- The following foods are not a definitive list, but a great starting point for most of us.
- Remember to break these food down into at least 4 and up to 7 smaller meals per day. A future blog will offer samples of some tasty, nourishing 'holistic nutrition' meals. Also, please refer to the past blogs for meal ideas.
- Each food type has a general suggestion.
- My forthcoming book will enable you to individualize your holistic nutrition plan by estimating your metabolism, along with your metabolic-type and internal climate to build a plan specifically to suit your needs.
- The individualized plan, determined by the forthcoming text, will give you your own 'optimal balance' between cooked/un-cooked foods, which food types to increase/decrease from general recommendations while also suggesting the best times of day to consume what type of meal. In addition, specific nutritional supplements will be suggested to assist your nutrition and benefit your specific needs.
Green Veggies and Low-Starch Vegetables
recommend to build nearly every meal around these foods, preferred to be organic
balance between cooked and un-cooked is individualized and explained in the book,
but for now aim for a 50/50 balance of cooked/uncooked foods, increase cooked if digestion is 'slower' than desired,
lightly cook by steaming or stir-frying in essential oil
Arugala, Artichoke, Asparagus, Beets, Carrots,
Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Endive,
Cabbage, Celery, Cucumber, Leeks, Peppers,
Dandelion, Collard Greens, Radishes, Squash,
Mustard Greens, Green beans, Sea Vegetables,
Kale, Okra, Romaine, Spinach, Bok choy
Chard, Zucchini, Watercress,
Parsley, Barley grass, All green leafy vegetables
can be included with one and occasionally two meals per day
Quinoa, Buckwheat,Millet, Spelt, Peas, Brown Rice, Lentils
Low Sugar Fruits
can be included with virtually every meal
Avocado, Lemons, Limes, Tomatoes, Onions,
recommended to be used with at least one meal and can be used with almost every meal
Cinnamon, Garlic, Ginger, Cumin,
Turmeric, Curry, Basil, Cilantro, Oregano, Corriander
always prefer these to be raw, they are best when soaked or sprouted, organic preferred
recommended for one meals per day by themselves, can be included in more meals as well
Almonds,Walnuts, Flax seeds, Pine nuts,Sunflower seeds,Pumpkin seeds, Pistachios, Macadamia nuts, Almond Butter, Hemp seeds, Tahini (sesame seed butter), Hemp Butter, Sunflower Butter
Essential Oils
always preferred to be cold-pressed and organic, quality is essential here!
recommended with nearly every meal
Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Olive Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Hemp seed Oil, Sunflower Oil, Udo's Oil Blends
Moderate Sugar Fruits
never combine with other food types, eat maximum of one meal per day of just these
recommended one meal every other day, good following workouts
always, always prefer organic!
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Coconut, Blackcurrant, Cherries, Grapefruit, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Raspberries, Strawberries
Animal Foods
recommended for one to two meals per week, but make your reduction very practical
cook in olive oil or coconut oil, and always lightly to preserve the foods
Wild Salmon, Wild Mackerel, Sardines, Wild Tuna, Trout
these following animal foods are recommended for less than once per week, if at all
if you are unwilling to reduce that far, simply choose highest quality twice per week
Organic grass-fed beef and bison, Organic butter, Lamb, Venison
Nutritional Supplements
recommended for nearly everyone following holistic self-care
any supplements beyond this are highly individualized
there is also a recommended cycling of these supplements as well to defer costs
Sea Salt, Food-derived multivitamin, Iodine, Fish Oil, Aluminum-free baking soda, Calcium/Magnesium combination, Vitamin D3, Chlorophyll
This is a simple holistic nutrition "food guide", you can begin the rewarding process now. I have personal experience of trial and error with a multitude of "diets" and natural-health oriented nutrition plans, but each one had at least one major weakness. The holistic nutrition plan was designed to have no weakness and be highly individualized to maximize effectiveness. I have personally progressed from the Atkins Diet to the present status of only eating a fatty fish at most once per week for my animal food indulgence. You can still indulge if you choose to in other animals, or you can not choose this option at all.
There has been nothing more rewarding in my whole life than the self-empowerment I feel from the deep commitment to my individualized holistic nutrition plan. I have had quite a journey with foods and drinks and health in general; having lost around 70 pounds in the last 6 years, nearly dying from a mysterious disease 4 years ago and handling an eating disorder since my initial weight loss. The peace of mind I now have from my commitment to providing my whole 'being' (mind, body and spirit) with alkalinity and 'energy' from my 'holistic nutrition plan' is better than any self-centered joy I ever received from the 'poor' foods which challenge health and peacefulness.
I wish you the best in your personal journey to what I call 'optimal function', which is when the mind, body and spirit are able to interact and work at their highest levels. The state of 'optimal function' is possible for all of us and very probable with a commitment to holistic self-care. Begin the process now by reading my other blogs and feel free to e-mail me ( with any questions or comments, I am certainly willing to assist anyone with sincere interest, as I have been doing for years.
You can reach the state 'optimal function' which is signified by an alkaline pH with adequate, balanced 'energy' flow within the body, a rational thought process with positive outlook within the mind and a peaceful and content spirit. Best wishes and learn from every event in this life, especially the challenging or seemingly negative events.
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