Holistic self-care is an active lifestyle of performing and fulfilling the basic functions (breathing, thinking, choosing, moving, eating, drinking, eliminating, sleeping, grooming, socializing) with optimal manners and sources. The optimal manners and sources of the basic functions are positive 'stressors', which form acids in the human body but with benefits that outweigh this negative result. When the basic functions are not performed in optimal manners and sources they are generally classifed as negative 'stressors', which form more acids than benefits they promote, if any.
Absolutely everything a human 'being' does is a 'stressor', classified as positive or negative, and fits into at least one of the categories of basic function. The balance between positive and negative 'stressors' plays the largest role in determining the 'holistic health status' of the individual. In addition, the balance between 'stressors' or acids formed within the human body and 'stressors' or acids eliminated from the human body plays a nearly equal and significant role in determining the 'holistic health status'.
Optimizing the basic functions, or practicing holistic self-care is essential, but many indidividuals in the 'holistic health status' of 'challenged function' need to go a step beyond by ensuring the elimination function is consistent and efficient. The basic function of elimination occurs through four modes of body function including respiration (breathing), urination, defecation (passing stool) and perspiration (sweating). A very integral aspect of holistic self-care is specifically supporting these modes regulalry and intelligently.
Supporting elimination can be as simple as maximizing the basic function of movement with consistent and faithful practice of holistic exercise and holistic nutrition plans. The holistic exercise will immediately increase the elimination through respiration (requiring more breathing) and perspiration (sweating). The holistic nutrition will immediately increase elimination through urination (from the gallon per day of alkaline water) and defecation (from dense, fibrous foods rich with antioxidants).
In order to ensure maximizing elimination with holistic exercise the focus needs to be on maintaining a full body sweat for 20 minutes. This means actually sweating for this amount of time; it may take 20 minutes to warm-up and initiate a sweat. The overall time period does not matter, what is important is full-body sweating and staying in an aerobic zone. When exercising in the aerobic zone, the acids formed are far outweighed by the benefits of conditioning the entire body and promoting elimination thus making it a positive 'stressor'.
However, exercise can also be performed in the anaerobic zone, which is considerably more vigorous and forms acids that generally outweigh the benefits making this a negative 'stressor'. Anaerobic exercise or what I constantly refer to as vigorous exercise has a plethora of potential benefits when performed in a holistic fashion. In my forthcoming text, "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care", I describe and detail a variety of holistic exercise plans which maximize vigorous exercise by balancing it correctly with relaxing exercise and specific techniques that help clear the acids formed by anaerobic exercise.
For this article we will only refer to aerobic exercise, which is a very simple and efficient manner of maximizing the basic function of movement to stimulate the body to increase elimination of 'stressors'. Staying within this zone is as simple as checking the heart rate during exercise, which is quite easy to do in modern gyms on the lower-impact forms of cardio recommended for holistic exercise. The elliptical machine, the rowing machine and treadmills with think, cushioned treads are lower-impact machines in nealry all gyms that people may be able to check their heart rate. Staying between 110 bpm and 150 bpm will ensure that most people are in the aerobic zone, and remember to get a full body sweat for 20 minutes.
Maximizing elimination with holistic nutrition can be easily and painlessly performed with cost-effective supplementation. Quite simply adding chlorophyll drops and alkalizing drops to the gallon of water one aims to drink every day is quite an effective start. Chlorophyll drops can be purchased in many health food stores, this is simply an extract from plants, it is the nutrient that gives plants a green color. Chlorophyll can help loosen the mucus and fecal matter that generally line the 9 feet of small intestine and 3 feet of large intestine where most individuals seem to hold the waste from the Standard American Diet (SAD). One may notice a green tint to stool once they have been following this for a few days, that is expected and showing the improvement of elimination.
Complementing the chlorophyll with alkalizing drops is essential to not only ensure the water is alkaline, but also supplies the muscles which line the small and large intestines with minerals. The small and large intestines are basically internal muscles, and like all muscles they function optimally when 'loose' (think of your neck, what is worse than a 'tight' neck?). Alkalizing minerals like sodium, chloride, potassium and magnesium are what creates the conditions inside the muscle that allow relaxation and 'loose' feeling. The alkalizing drops, which are available through my business True Health Services, contain these nutrients which can help improve elimination by improving the function of intestinal muscles that push stool out of the body through the mode of defecation.
Holistic self-care is broken into 4 basic domains which I thoroughly describe and outline in "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care", holistic nutrition, holistic exercise, holistic living and the ultra-important holistic planning. These 4 domains cover a variety of manners and strategies to perform and fulfill all of the basic functions in optimal fashion. Holistic nutrition covers eating, drinking and eliminating. Holistic exercise covers breathing, moving and eliminating. Holistic Living covers sleeping, grooming, socializing and eliminating. Finally, Holistic Planning covers thinking and choosing.
To round out this brief discussion of maximizing the basic function of elimination we must discuss the Holistic Living plan. Bathing is the simplest and often times the most effective manner to improve elimination through the mode of perspiration, as hot water opens the skin pores. A simple, effective bath for elimination purposes must be very hot and include alkaline minerals. These can be performed daily, the following bath is a morning bath which I refer to as 'energy' promoting, while also stimulating elimination.
Start with hot water, add 32 oz. of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 lb. of aluminum-free Baking Soda (Bob's Red Mill brand is great) and 1/2 lb. of epsom salt. This combination of alkaline minerals and hydrogen peroxide will open the skin pores to eliminate the acids stored directly under and within the skin. More importantly, the alkaline minerals and hydrogen peroxide will stimulate the external body to generate 'energy' flow while also providing the skin and connective tissues directly with minerals needed for optimal function. The internal body actually produces hydrogen peroxide as a means to assist in alkalization by multiple means such as improving oxygen flow and 'energy' flow.
In addition to bathing for elimination purposes, one can also sleep with elimination purposes by wearing food pads during the 6 to 8 hours of time when restoration and alkalization of the body occurs. The foot pads can assist these functions by drawing acids out of circulation, they are somewhaty cheap, easy to use and quite effective, especially since there is an extreme amount of blood flow through the legs and feet especially. Acuped is a noted brand which makes foot pads.
The preceeding manners and strategies to support the basic function of elimination are just scratching the surface. "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care" details and describes these and many other (some more intense, some quite simple) strategies to eliminate 'stressors' from the body. Recall the balance between 'stressors' formed in the body and 'stressors' eliminated from the body is vital in determining the overall 'holistic health status' of an individual. Paying close attention and practicing the strategies described in this article is a very good step in taking control of one's health and wellness to improve vitality and productivity!
these foot pads are interesting, I would like to more about them.