Monday, July 5, 2010

Balancing 'stressors' to improve health

by Sam Suska

Holistic health status' largely depends on the balance between positive and negative 'stressors'. Understanding positive 'stressors' while identifying and reducing negative 'stressors' are priorities of holistic self-care and are thoroughly outlined in the coming text "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care". Here is a brief introduction to 'stressors'.

1. 'stressors' are anything that impose a demand on the human 'being'
2. the 'being' is composed of mind, body and spirit
3. 'stressors' initiate a chain of events that form acids in blood and impact the 'energy' of the body
4. the mind operates the body and has the ultimate contol over 'stresors'; but 'stressors' are inevitable
4. every function, movement and thought of the person is a 'stressor'. everything a person does can be classified as one of the following basic functions:breathing, thinking, choosing, moving, eating, drinking, eliminating, sleeping, grooming and socializing.
5. there are two types of 'stressors': positive or negative
6. positive 'stressors' form acids in blood and impact the 'energy' of the body(the costs); but have other benefits that outweigh the costs
7. negative 'stressors' have cost from the significant acid formed in the blood and may vitally impact the 'energy' of the body; the costs outweighs the benefit
8. the efficiency in which the 'being' 'adapts' to 'stressors' signifies the 'holistic health status' of the individual
9. therefore, 'holistic health status' is largely determined by the efficiency of the 'adapting' processes and the amount and types of 'stressors'
10. the 'adapting' processes respond to 'stressors' and seek to return the being to a state in which it can function; these generally impact the blood and 'energy' flow of the body
11. holistic self-care reduces and limits negative stressors that initiate many 'adapting' processes
12. holistic self-care pomotes and practices positive stressors which fund the 'adapting' processes with 'energy' and raw materials that promote higher pH
13. the whole 'being' can limit negative 'stressors', promote and perform postive stressors while 'adapting' most efficiently in a specific state called 'optimal function'
14. 'optimal function' is the state of 'being' in which the body readily maintains an alkaline pH with adequate,balanced 'energy' flow; the mind practices a rational thought process with a positive outlook and the spirit is peaceful and content
15. however, when the being is not in the state of 'optimal function' the 'adapting' processes will not be very efficient and the 'being' may enter a state of 'challenged function'
16. 'challenged function' is the result of imbalance between positive and negative 'stressors'
17. every individual human 'being' has a different threshold of and susceptibility for negative 'stressors'
18. negative 'stressors' can lead to the expression of genes for illness and disease (1% of genes of genes promotes 'challenged function')
19. postive 'stressors' can lead to expression of genes for vitality, wellness and energy (99% of genes promote 'optimal function')
20. 'challenged function' is the state of 'being' in which the body cannot readily maintain an alkaline pH, has a deficient or imbalanced 'energy' flow while the mind is following an irrational thought process with a negative outlook and the spirit is conflicted with extreme feelings of sadness or happiness
21. ultimately the character of the 'being' plays a large role in determining the 'holistic health status' of the individual by making the choices to perform and fulfill the basic functions
22. the character is a function of the mind and spirit, which uses input from the body to make choices of manners and sources used to fulfill and perform the basic functions
23. the underlying causes of 'holistic health status' are generally addressed by holistic self-care. the underlying causes of the state of 'being', efficiency in 'adapting' to 'stressors' and 'holistic health status' are generally found within the basic functions. holistic self-care improves and optimizes the manners and sources used to perform and fulfill the basic functions. many specific health issues and 'challenged function' as a whole can be addressed with holistic self-care.

For a detailed list of positive and negative 'stressors.........
For a thorough explanation of the 'adapting' processes..........
For a holistic description of the mind, body and spirit.................
To understand the states of 'optimal function' and 'challenged function'............
For a full holistic analysis of the character and its implications...................
To find out details, analysis and implications of the 'basic functions'.................
To find out the underlying causes, conditions and expressions of 'optimal function' and 'challenged function'..............
Consult the to be released text:
"The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care" by Sam Suska
I am presently completing the book following years of dedication, thousands of hours of research, a lifestyle of trial and error and experience guiding others professionally. This blog is a way for me to share my ideas, generate interest and feedback, help others and market myself to potential publishers and clients. For more information about myself please check out my business website at; which details my profession services and also provides links to my professional and personal portfolios.

I sincerely appreciate your interest, please contact me at with questions or comments.

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