Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Basic Functions

by Sam Suska

The basic functions, or the manners and sources we use to fulfill and perform them, clearly have the most powerful impact on our 'holistic health status'. . Our 'holistic health status' is the efficiency we have in 'adapting' to 'stressors'. Holistic self-care is the commitment to nourishing our whole 'being' with optimal manners and sources of fulfilling and performing the basic functions. The mind, body and spirit require balanced, loving care and attention to reach the 'optimal function' condition of 'holistic health status' which characterizes vitality and well-being. 'Optimal function' signifies a whole 'being' of mind, body and spirit which efficiently 'adapts' to the 'stressors' of performing and fulfilling the basic functions.

However, when the basic functions are not consistently nourished by making optimal choices a 'challenged function' condition will develop. This poor condition of 'holistic health status' is signified by the individual who does not efficiently 'adapt' to 'stressors'. The basic functions as a whole, play a significant role in health, vitality, productivity, even happiness. Performing and fulfilling the basic functions are necessary to maintain life, but come with the cost of demanding a response from the individual.

Everything that demands a response from the mind, body or spirit is a 'stressor' and can be categorized as a basic function. Every action, every thought, every inhalation of air is a 'stressor'; they are inevitable. The manners and sources used to perform and fulfill the basic functions determine the significance and type of 'stressor' on the whole 'being'. 'Stressors' can be positive or negative; and this is generally controllable by each and every modern individual. Holistic self-care is applying mindfulness to all that one does, inlcuding but not limited to 'stressors' like communicating, eating, even sleeping. Holistic self-care is a lifestyle of using mostly positive 'stressors' when performing and fulfilling the basic functions.

The following is a very brief description of the basic functions. Please remember that everything one does can be categorized into the basic functions; everything demanding a response by the individual is a 'stressor'.For more details and scientific rationale for each basic function and the impact they have on 'holistic health status' and well-being in general please consult the forthcoming text, "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self- Care".

1. Breathing
Inhaling air supplies the body with oxygen, a necessary and powerful nutrient with a plethora of benefits. A vital benefit of oxygen is the essential role in 'adapting' to 'stressors' within the body as a whole. In addition, inhalation is followed by exhaling air; which is a consistent mode of eliminating 'stressors' from the body as well. Breathing deep, diaphragmic breaths can supply the body with a generous amount of oxygen to assist 'adapting' and sets one up to slowly and deeply exhale a significant amount of 'stressors'.

2. Thinking The thought process and outlook employed by the individual determines the options used to perform and fulfill all of the basic functions. There are two basic types of thought process available to people; rational or irrational. In addition, there are two basic types of outlook to accompany this; positive or negative.The type of thought process and outlook also evaluates and determines responses to emotions, feelings and situations which impact the whole 'being'.

3. Choosing
Following the basic function of thinking which presents options, a choice must be made by the individual. A function of the mind and spirit with some input from the body makes the choices for the individual; this is the character.The character, and the choices it makes ultimately determines the manner and sources used to fulfill and perform the basic functions.The ultimate decision for the character is the balance between positive and negative 'stressors'.

4. Moving
The posture, muscle balance, muscle flexibility, strength, cardio capability and nervous system control all guide the basic function of moving. Holistic self-care uses a holistic exercise plan to maximally perform and fulfill the basic function of moving in addition to playing an essential role in improving 'holistic health status'. However, exercise, when not holistic-minded can be a powerful 'stressor', often misguided with non-health focused intentions. Holistic exercise balances 'stressors' by focusing on eliminating them following formation. Holistic exercise seeks to improve the efficiency of the mind and body in 'adapting' to 'stressors' in general and eliminate them from the body. Improving health, perfomance, confidence and losing bodyfat are side effects of holistic exercise plans!

5. Eating
Quite simply, the choice of what one eats plays a significant role in how the individual feels, acts, thinks and functions in general. The modern public generally consumes processed foods and non-organix foods which are likely to be negative 'stressors'; in fact the 4 most popular products in America (sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco) are powerfully negative 'stressors'. Holistic nutrition is a plan to consistently reduce and replace the negative 'stressors' the modern public generally eats with positive 'stressors' that promote 'optimal function' within a specific person. Holistic nutrition plans are based on each person, and "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care" guides the reader in forming an individualized holistic nutrition plan.

6. Drinking
Water comprises between 60 and 80 percent of the physical 'being'. The human body is largely fluid based desiring a consistent, clean, pure and high pH source of water in generous amounts. In addition, water is one of the most important elements used to 'adapt' to all 'stressors'. However, all water is not equal and can itself be a 'stressor'! The state of the human body in which 'optimal function' occurs and maintains desires the fluids of the human body to have an alkaline or high pH. Therefore consuming high quality, alkaline pH water is intricate to holistic self-care.

7. Sleeping
Sleep should be comprise about 3o% of the life of an individual! That is obtained if one schedules the life to get the suggested 6 to 8 hours of sleep on a nightly basis, however many come up short. Holistic self-care uses strategies to naturally aquire restorative sleep necessary for efficiently 'adapting' to the 'stressors' consumed in our lives. The mind, body and spirit cannot be restored without consistent restorative sleep and 'holistic health status' NEEDS IT.

8. Eliminating
The 'stressors' from performing and fulfilling the basic functions need eliminated following the 'adapting' processes which occur throughout the body. The elimination system of the body uses breathing, urinating, sweating and moving the bowels to remove 'stressors'. Quite simply the 'holistic health status' of the individual largely depends on the balance between intake of 'stressors' (the inevitable positive and negative) and the output or removal of 'stressors'. Holistic self-care employs a variety of strategies and techniques to readily and consistently employ to support the elimination systems.

9. Grooming
Cleaning the body is a must, but the products many people use to perform this simple function can do more damage than benefit. Holistic self-care uses the simplest products and manners to groom the body. A holistic living plan is suggested in "The True Health Lifestyle: Guide for Holistic Self-Care" which provides details and a practical process to implementing more natural grooming products into modern living.

10. Socializing
The spiritual aspect of the 'being' desires care and attention; building meaningful connections and relationships can help fulfill the spirit. Sympathy, empathy, love and compassion are expressions of 'optimal function' and are promoted by improving 'holistic health status'. The holistic living plan uses strategies and advice to satisfy the socializing basic function.

  • The optimal manners and sources used to fulfill the basic functions are explained and detailed in the text, "The True Health Lifestyle: Guidebook for Holistic Self-Care", by Sam Suska. The negative 'stressors' are noted and a strategy for replacement with positive 'stressors' is thoroughly put forth in the text.
  • The principles of holistic self-care, along with practical tips for implementation are outlined in the text, “The True Health Lifestyle: Guidebook for Holistic Self-Care”, by Sam Suska.
  • Continue to follow this blog for holistic self-care principles, practical tips and release date for the holistic self-care text authored by Sam Suska.
  • Sam Suska currently offers holistic lifestyle coaching and holistic personal training to interested clients in the Pittsburgh area through True Health Services.
  • For details about True Health Services, visit

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