Our most valuable asset is our health. Health is the overall energy affect we observe and feel from the interplay of emotions, thoughts and fluids within our body. Our health knowledge and conscious intentions form our overall energy balance and energy reserves which result in expressions of energy, which is what we tend to notice and refer to as our health.
We are in control of our health because we have free will, which gives us options and power to our choices. We can make choices to build our energy reserves, balance our energy flow and regulate the expression of our energy, or, we can make choices that do not promote energy and health. It is our health knowledge that lets us know what the consequences of our choices will be, with one caveat; our present knowledge of health tends to leave us with unintended consequences.
As a result, not only is the typical American left without sustainable energy and true health, but so are the majority of health and fitness enthusiasts. By applying a holistic philosophy to your knowledge base and using holistic principles to guide your intentions and lifestyle choices you will be self-empowered and in position to truly invest in your health.
How do we build energy?
By consuming foods and liquids that hold a high amount of electrical energy, as shown by the frequency with which a solid vibrates or the oxidative reductive potential a liquid displays. However, there is a caveat; the food or drink must also have a beneficial pH-impact on the internal body fluids. Our internal body fluids dictate the expression of our genes, the function of our cells, the quality of our tissues and the flow of energy within our body.
We build energy by making dietary choices that are low in sugar, devoid of caffeine, and not from animal origin; as those choices tend to stimulate energy in the human body and leave the body fluids with a low pH while tapping the energy reserves as well.
The chief holistic principle is to make choices for 'sustainable energy', and generates energy in the body by infusing the tissues with electrical energy and antioxidants while simultaneously leaving the body fluids with a high pH. Energy flows in the human body within the fluids and within a circuity identified by the Chinese, which collects in wheels and leaves each of us with an aura and vibrational frequency.
In fact, our tissues and cells are largely composed of energy by a count of over 1 billion units of electrical energy to 1 unit of matter. Our choices not only dictate our energy reserves and balance of energy flow in our body, but our dietary choices actually become our cells and tissues. In time, an individual can change their choice-making process, as dictated here, and improve their energy balance, energy reserves and even the quality of their cells and tissues.
We know that our cells 'turn over' regularly, and in time, we build entirely new tissues; by making choices for 'sustainable energy' we can re-build our body and experience true health and balanced energy flow. But, dietary choices can only go so far without proper physical movement and posture.
Leading us to the next question....
How important is movement and posture to our health?
It is the most important factor after nutritional choices, and this is for a few reasons. We perform structured movements, called exercise, in order to promote and balance energy flow within our body, which also plays a valuable role in maintaining a high pH of our internal body fluids and regulating the many expressions of energy we notice.
Exercise not only promotes the acceleration of tissue cleansing and rebuilding, it also heightens the elimination of built-up acids in our tissues, an equally important reason to exercise daily. These built-up acids are the substances from food and thought that lower the pH of our body fluids; once the body responds to this 'stressor' it adapts by removing it from the body fluids and dumping it into the tissues.
That 'homeostatic response' has an immediate benefit for our blood and energy flow, but leads to a longer-term problem that inhibits our energy and ultimately saturates the tissues with low pH acidity that breaks them down and oxidizes them. This 'latent tissue acidosis' leads to the vast majority of symptoms or diseases that we observe and seek diagnosis for, but in the grand scheme of our body they are just expressions of energy imbalances within our body.
There is only an energy-sapping affect from low pH substances, called acids; this is because at the sub-atomic level where electrical energy interactions take place these substances are dense with positively-charged ions called protons. Our body is also dense with protons, which means our body seeks negatively-charged ions for interaction in order to generate electrical energy and operate efficiently, balanced and with ample energy reserves to support our 'homeostatic mechanisms'.
Energy flow will become diminished and unable to maintain a balanced state because electricity does not flow well, in our fluids and in our circuitry, when the tissues are acidified and oxidized. But, the human organism is amazing in it's ability to adapt by using proton-dense substance to stimulate, not generate, electrical energy at the sub-atomic level.
The proton-proton reaction stimulates energy, but produces harmful byproducts, like more acids, and tends to leave the overall state of bodily fluids with a lower pH and promotes an overall internal state of fermentation. Fermentation is without oxygen, and is undoubtedly an undesired state of operation; but this is the result of a high carbohydrate diet, a high animal food diet, casual alcohol consumption and poorly structured exercise routines.
A properly structured exercise regimen is an integral part of the holistic philosophy, and this is marked by a focus on performing exercise to 1)balance energy flow and 2)regulate our expressions of energy. We seek to regulate bodily and even emotional energy expressions by performing exercises that promote an oxygen-rich internal environment and eliminate acids from the tissues and body fluids.
We eliminate acids from the tissues by 1) urination, so this means we make it a point to consume at least 3 liters of pure water (preferable high pH) daily and 2) respiration or breathing, and this is heightened when increasing breathe-rate by exercise, 3)defecation, or bowel elimination which is often times promoted by full-body exercises, but most importantly by a responsible diet and finally 4)perspiration, which is a powerful, quick way to relieve the body of built-up acids in the tissues and extra-cellular fluids.
With that approach to exercise, we can make a full-body sweat for at least 20 minutes a tangible goal to seek daily, and we can reach this by making aerobic-based cardio a focal-point of our exercise. This can be performed in a number of ways, but for those who seek time efficiency and ignore the narrow-minded approach of the overall fitness community, I recommend to infuse exercises that increase the breathe-rate and heart rate into resistance exercise sessions.
Complement a 60 minute resistance and cardio workout with flexibility work and energy harnessing techniques and you can claim to have completed a 'holistic exercise' session. All you need to do is repeat a similarly structured workout with a different resistance focus and different types of exercises to raise the heart rate and you will begin the practice of a holistic exercise regimen.
The flexibility and energy harnessing technique portion of the workout is key to reaching 'balance' in your exercise plan. Flexibility practice at the beginning and end of a workout, by static and dynamic means is aimed at keeping the muscles loose, preventing injury and promoting function. While energy harnessing techniques are inspired by yoga, tai-chi and qigong with the intention to promote balanced energy flow in our circuitry and really move our wheels of energy and maximize our aura.
Noticeable physical symptoms, diagnosable physiological issues are always preceded by a disturbance to the energy circuitry and a deficiency in various energy wheels (called chakras) and overall decrease in aura. This is because eating foods that do not promote 'sustainable energy' not only saturate the tissues with acids, they also temporarily affect the proper flow of energy within our circuitry, wheels and aura.
On top of food and drink and choice and exercise choice in the hierarchy of lifestyle importance is the impact of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Thought patterns are the most important area of lifestyle because they directly impact the energy wheels and circuitry as well as create matter; matter is energy, and thoughts can create powerfully acidic matter known as hormones.
While we focus on integrating more positive and rational thinking patterns we can also perform energy harnessing techniques during our workouts that are designed to balance our physical energy circuits and calm our minds. We can even instill the regular practice of mantras to our energy harnessing practice by telling ourselves that we are "energizing our body and calming our body".
A holistic exercise session will include these techniques in between resistance and cardio exercises, as well as prior to and following the entire session. In fact, a holistic lifestyle will also include energy harnessing techniques after we wake-up and before we go to bed; I mean preventing stress and relieving is now our most important factor in promoting true health.
Now you are ready to obtain truly helpful, holistic health knowledge and learn how the human mind and body work together and more importantly, how to gather 'sustainable energy' and harness it for balanced energy, lasting energy and true health.