Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's All About Metabolism

by Sam Suska

Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions within the human organism. First, it appears that inside of the human cell there are genes that create different types of proteins that are either factors or co-factors in the millions of chemical reactions that take place daily in one human body. The human gene appears to respond to the liquid environment they are exposed to within the human cell; so chemical reactions can be encouraged or discouraged at the gene level by body fluids.

It is vital that anyone trying to lose weight, shed bodyfat or "tighten up" focus on increasing their metabolism. An individual can accomplish these end-goals in many different ways, but long-term body improvements and even sustainable health improvements will only come from an increased metabolism. There are many popular diets and exercise programs that people up for
the teeter-totter effect.

The teeter-totter effect is the daily struggle to maintain a certain weight, a functional amount of energy or constantly fighting sicknesses. An individual living the 'teeter-totter' can gain 5 pounds in a day from eating outside of their "normal" parameters or they constantly flux between high and low levels of energy always seeking some form of stimulation, such as energy drinks, coffee or pre-workouts.

Avoid the 'teeter-totter' by taking the time, and it will take a little bit of time, to address the genes which create the proteins that greatly impact the millions of chemical reactions in the human body we tend to refer to as metabolism.

The genes are impacted by the liquid environment inside the human cell that surrounds them, and the human organism a whole is at least 70% liquid. The blood, the lymphatic fluid, the extracellular matrix fluid and the intracellular fluid all determine the functionality of genes within the human cell. These are all impacted first by one's thoughts and emotions and then secondly by the consumption of energy and third from internal day-to-day functions of organs and glands as well as the regular breakdown and restoration of body tissue.

Therefore, implementing and focusing on a rational thinking process with a positive outlook is the foundation underlying way to address the internal biochemistry of the human organism. Dr. Aldo Pucci uses something he calls the 'rational living therapy' and I will supply a link to this; but the power of improving thought process cannot be fully explained as it is the ultimate factor.

While addressing thought process and outlook, it is essential that an individual also addresses their consumption of energy via food and drink. It is important to keep in mind that you are 'improving your metabolism to improve your body composition'. I like to refer to this as 'getting healthy with a valuable side-effect of improved body composition'/
Metabolic syndrome is at the root of being overweight and more importantly, a great deal of the chronic diseases that are debilitating and prematurely leading to the death of most Americans.

Metabolic syndrome involves excess bodyfat, imbalanced hormones, water retention, oxidized tissue (also called free radical damage) and of course the general fatigue and cloudy thinking. Metabolic syndrome is a grouping of all the results from individual patterns that express themselves in thousands of different ways; all of these patterns of metabolic syndrome begin internally as a result of body fluid quality and it's effect on genes.

The idea here is to improve the gene function
by improving the liquids surrounding the genes. This can be accomplished by encouraging the genes to produce more of the proteins that play essential roles in chemical reactions; and this also sets the optimal environment for the proteins to do their work as catalysts for chemical reactions. Genes do not control themselves. Genetic expression is dependent on their fluid environment; now keep in mind that each of us has genes that contain different information and each one of us has a different threshold at which point our genes will express themselves in a potentially negative manner.

A motivated individual can address their own internal fluid environment by first addressing thought process and then the quality of food and drink they consume. It can be helpful to think of the foods and drinks you choose as sources of information and instructions for your genes to operate.

By giving your genes whole foods, pure water, pure salt and high-quality nutritional supplements you will be taking a powerful step to improve your metabolism at the deepest level; the human gene. This will take time, but by committing to the full plan
(which also includes the previously mentioned thought process as well stress relief and balanced exercise) and intending to give your genes the best information and instructions with nearly every choice, you will improve your metabolism.

A daily focus on positivity and patience is key, but even more important is the belief you have in the plan (which I am providing the basics for right here) and the ultimate faith you have in yourself to carry out the plan. Self-empowerment is a process and after the process of implementing the plan it becomes a lot easier to make the best whole food, pure water, pure salt and high quality nutritional supplement choices. As you follow the lifestyle weeks will go by and you will go about your life with a new focus and possibly even form a passion for self-care.

Infusing your body fluids with the noted significant amounts of electrical energy potential (the vibration) and antioxidants that fresh whole foods obtain will put your genes in the best environment to increase and improve the efficiency of the chemical reactions within your body. The electromagnetic field of your body fluids will infuse your cells and then your genes with the "right" information and the "right" instructions.

The sum total chemical reactions will not only increase, but it is very likely the efficiency of chemical reactions will improve; meaning less unwanted byproducts from metabolism that need eliminated by the human body. In time, and it is key that you have patience, as it takes time for organic change to occur within your body tissues. Following the full plan will ultimately lead to gaining muscle tissue, improving the efficiency of present muscle tissue and possibly even regeneration of previously oxidized tissue into new, fully functional tissue.

Chemical reactions take place in the human cell, and they are concentrated within the mitochondria of the cell. By improving body fluids with whole food, pure water, pure salt, high quality nutritional supplements and rational thinking we can prime the cell for more efficient mitochondria. We can even take this to the next level by performing both cardio and resistance types of exercise which have been shown to increase the number of mitochondria in the human cells AND the efficiency of these mitochondria! Exercise is a powerful complement to thinking, stress relief and nutritional choices.

When it comes to making nutritional choices it is essential that you take the 'basic 3 step process' which starts with water, then pure salt and of course whole foods. Consuming superfluous amounts of water, preferably filtered, but always with a generous amount of electrolytes (and preferably alkaline pH) is key to improving your body fluids. But, the average person tends to be suffering from chronic low-grade dehydration, so simply hydrating with tap water will be an upgrade; but keep in mind this is NOT the full plan.

Three to five Liters per day is the starting amount; and the more intimidating this sounds to you, the more likely you are to be experiencing long-term, low-grade dehydration. It has been shown repeatedly that the simplest way to increase metabolism is to drink more water, so please start immediately!

Following this you are ready to purchase Sea Salt and add at least 3 or 4 teaspoons per day to your meals. Salt is necessary for your body fluids AND your nervous tissue as a conductor of the electrical energy potential needed for internal operations. Your blood is salted and your muscles and nervous system absolutely need salt, pure and organic salt at that. And this is only available in Sea Salt and whole foods.

This brings us to the most exciting part of the plan; whole foods. Whole foods that have a low glycemic load (meaning they have marginal blood glucose impact), high in fiber (to increase the thermic effect of food), dense with phytonutrients (like antioxidants) and high in vitamins, minerals and good fats (polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and medium-chain triglycerides) will play the most profound role in your metabolism.

These same whole foods tend to have a net alkaline affect on the body fluids of the human organism, as noted by blood microscopist Dr. Robert Young. Using a high powered microscope Dr. Young has observed the blood of over 10,000 people over the span of 30+ years and with this he has actually viewed how specific food and drink directly impact the blood both acutely and chronically. It is with this information he has put together a list of alkaline-forming whole foods, and he also contends that cold-pressed oils play a powerful role in promoting the internal body fluids.

Therefore the 'gene promoting' nutrition plan is built with green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, etc.), green vegetables (green beans, zucchini, asparagus, etc.), low glycemic vegetables (yellow squash, eggplant, onion, carrots, etc.), low-er glycemic fruits (berries of all types are super-high in antioxidants), raw nuts and seeds (preferably soaked almonds and pumpkin seeds, etc.) and then lots of cold-pressed oils like coconut oil, olive oil, hemp oil, flaxseed oil, etc.

If one chooses to consume meat and fish, and that is not preferable for someone with a progressive metabolic syndrome,
the sources should be organic and wild. If not, just try to limit these to less than daily routine and eventually to weekly and so on; and please keep in mind that eating meat and fish replaces whole foods. Those foods have the potential to slow down your metabolism by not giving your genes the best possible information and metabolic instructions.

Finally, in terms of food and drink it is essential that someone trying to increase their chemical reaction quantity and quality takes nutritional supplements that improve the body fluids. These start with baking soda, which greatly raises the pH of body fluids which promotes the entrance of electrical forces and nutrients into the cells for proper cellular function. Proper cellular function primes the genes to receive instructions and create the proteins which act as catalysts, factors and co-factors in the millions of chemical reactions that take place within the human organism.

Beyond these basic dietary and thinking improvements there is also balanced exercise and the all-important STRESS RELIEF. Balanced exercise is a form of stress relief, foods and drinks have the ability to decrease physiological stress and thinking process has the ability to decrease psychosocial stress; so this lifestyle improvement plan already addresses stress from multiple angles.

But stress is so important and such a confounding factor in metabolic terms that it has to also be directly addressed by using active stress relief techniques on a daily basis. These include but are not limited to deep breathing, guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, cognitive behavioral therapy, body sensation awareness, yoga, qigong, acupuncture and acupressure, muscle therapy and massage therapy and even hypnotism.

Balanced exercise means to regularly perform cardio, flexibility and resistance movements. This will increase muscle mass which is 70x more metabolically active than fatty tissue, thus priming the tissue for chemical reactions. This will also move oxygen through the tissues and especially promote blood flow and move the lymphatic fluid which operates via a system of one-way valves in an upward direction. Move your body, stretch your body and move some weight to really move your metabolism upwards!

You have the necessary basic information to start changing your
body by improving your metabolism right now. You can, with this article and the information I have presented infuse your body with generous amounts of energy n order to address your metabolism and reach your goal of improved body composition or sustainable health. Hopefully this will lead to a passion for self-care. Best regards.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Am I An Expert?

by Sam Suska

I occasionally get asked why I think I know so much about nutrition when I do not have a nutrition degree and do not work as a dietitian or nutritionist.
If someone is willing to actually listen to my response I will share with them my view on food and it's relationship with the human organism and the human consciousness.

For starters, foods are complicated chemical compounds and not just a "delivery system" for nutrients. Each food has a unique biochemical influence on the human organism and the conventional study of nutrition overlooks this or worse, misunderstands this.

I personally switched from majoring in nutrition because I was learning more from my informal study than from the conventional scientists, texts and professors in the field. I had learned that nearly all traditional diets of the world lead to better health than the Western diet regardless of the breakdown of nutrient breakdown.

It was apparent to me that relying on nutrient breakdown was a flawed, narrow-minded approach to nutrition. And this approach was formed and practiced by the conventional nutrition field. Food and food types were not the focal point and this pushed me out of the field and in search of a more holistic approach to nutrition.

As a result I shifted my formal study to exercise and began to focus my informal studies on food and it's relationship with the human organism and just as important, or possibly even more it's relationship with the human consciousness.

Studying the relationship between food and the human consciousness was challenging (but extremely interesting) because it is was very difficult for conventional science, alternative scientists and even philosophers to conceptualize and practically explain. I had to make my own mental connections between a multitude of various perspectives on eating and consciousness.

I was simultaneously making great strides by studying the biochemical and electromagnetic impact that various foods and types of food had on the human organism and even found a great universal diet. But I quickly found in myself and in my professional work that nutrition works best at the individual level with a personalized approach.

I firmly concluded that the limiting factor, in terms of the usefulness of nutritional recommendations, is the human mind and the individual strength of commitment one has to applying mindfulness and intention to their nutrition.

The individual has to make nutrition a priority in their life AND shift their approach to food, and drinks as well to a more holistic basis. A motivated, focused person can use food and drink to improve their mental and physical energy and overall health if they believe they have the "right" plan AND faith in themselves to carry out the plan.

Expectation in one's self and their belief in the science behind their nutritional recommendations are the keys to using foods, drinks and the necessary complements like nutritional supplements (and stress relief and exercise!) to improve one's personal health and well-being. Unfortunately there is no universal approach to shaping one's beliefs and personal philosophy or motivation.

However, presenting the scientific conclusions of nutrition in concert with addressing the factors affecting one's self-empowerment seemed to "work" for a variety of people.

Self-empowerment is a process and can be estimated when one is honest with themselves; so the holistic approach to nutrition that I use focuses on taking each person through personally empowering steps.

As an individual builds confidence in their own ability to carry out the "right" plan they progress through the 'Stages of Empowerment' which comes with notable side-effects like improved mental clarity, physical health and even emotional stability. But what about the "right" plan?

It is a powerful idea that one can reap a multitude of benefits by empowering themselves, but this comes comes with a caveat; one has to "buy into" the plan. The plan was built from studying the biochemical and electromagnetic impact that food and drink have on the human organism.

The typical person, even professionals with a scientific background do not view the human body from a biochemical and electromagnetic perspective. So, I had to expand my knowledge on the human organism and thus I decided to pursue a degree in Chinese Medicine.

More importantly I discovered and invested thousands of hours into studying the New Biology of Robert Young. I continually expanded my perspective by studying a variety of scientific conclusions that infused philosophy; including the biological impact of one's personal beliefs that Bruce Lipton.

All told I have invested thousands of hours in research in order to form a practical approach to food, drink, nutrition and personal health care as a whole.

In fact, I am putting it all together in a book entitled, "Holistic Intelligence: The Key to Physical Energy, Emotional Stability and Peace of Mind".

I do not profess to be an expert on nutrition, not even the alternative approach to it. I am also not really an expert on exercise, even though I have an Exercise Science degree and do some great work as a personal trainer. I did not complete my Chinese Medicine degree because I did not feel like the time and monetary investment was absolutely necessary to having a successful career helping people take care of themselves.

I am confident that a jack-of-all-trades approach prevented me from making irrational assumptions and using the 'scientific reductionism' that plagues Western science. I have put together a practical and potentially universally helpful text rooted in philosophy that is complemented by rational science.

"Buying into" the plan asks the individual to view their own body from a biochemical and electromagnetic perspective. This is very likely to be a new approach to understanding one's own body, but this is essential to "buying in" to the nutritional suggestions formed by my formal and informal study and research.

I can quickly and easily sum up my nutritional suggestions; eat, drink and supplement with the intention to supply yourself with sustainable electromagnetic energy. So, drink superfluous amounts of pure water (preferable high pH), take energizing supplements daily (liquid multivitamin, fish oil, baking soda, potassium iodide, vitamin D and calcium/magnesium) and eat whole food, mostly fresh green vegetables with cold-pressed oils and some fresh fruit (like avocado) and soaked or sprouted nuts and seeds (like almonds and pumpkin seeds).

Nutrition is all about intention, personal belief and self-empowerment. It's not as complicated as conventional science leads you to believe; and one does not have to be an expert or breakdown food into nutrients in order to implement this type of approach to eating, drinking and living life. With patience, positivity, belief in the "right plan" and faith in one's self anyone can gain self-empowerment and use nutrition to greatly improve their health and well-being.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another Must-See Video

This man and his work have inspired me, I hope this helps inspire you....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Please watch this movie, "Food Matters


I would like to share this movie with you. This is the best movie I have come across in my countless hours of research on health and nutrition. Enjoy. Please leave a comment or e-mail me with any questions or comments.


Sam Suska, CSCS

Dr. Young